Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or SThomas

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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby Manter » Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:43 am

I had my baby at St Thomas' 10 weeks ago, starting in home from home, then moving to the birth centre when it got a bit complicated (they are next to one another so they basically wheeled my bed two rooms away to where there was all the medical kit. The staff were amazing through quite an emotional time, and I delivered without assistance (forceps or whatever) entirely due to their care and experience. Couldn't recommend them highly enough.
That said, postnatal ward was chaos, and we were kept in 8 hours longer than necessary as they were struggling to sort paperwork, and we had to go in the next day to sort drugs (baby was fine, I needed a few things due to complications to a pre existing medical condition).
Pre natal appointments are partly in the community and partly at St T's depending on what they are: I never went to Clapham as I saw my midwife at my GP surgery. I went to St T's for one of my scans, and for a position scan when he was late- prenatal care was great.
I think people have good and bad experiences everywhere, you just need to plan to make your experience as good as possible- eg heavily brief your birth companion so they can advocate for you, take your own pillow, have a birth plan that covers all eventualities, find out what you need to do to be discharged and make sure you do it (midwife observed feed for example). Then just enjoy the journey- it's a once in a lifetime experience even if you have lots of children! Good luck
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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby pinkpeony » Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:02 pm

I had my first three at St T's and they were pretty good experiences. I only had to go onto the postnatal ward with number 1 and it was pretty rubbish but I think this is the case in most London hospitals. I had a slight issue with number 3 in that they kept me in reception until I was pushing because they said they were busy. When I asked my midwife afterwards whether she was having a busy night, she said it was actually very quiet. I think it was the middle of the night and noone could be bothered to come and get me!

I had my fourth baby at St George's this year. I chose to go here because I wanted to home birth and the homebirth team were incredible. Three fantastic midwives who do all your antenatal apts at home at a time convenient to you. The consistency of care was amazing and something I definitely didn't experience with Thomas's. I ended up being induced and so gave birth in the hospital and it was great. Ok, it's a bit dated and the rooms aren't as nice as the ones at Thomas's (no en-suite etc..) but the midwives were brilliant. I had to go onto the postnatal ward for 6 hours after the birth and that was fine (although roasting hot) as well.

I think you should choose the hospital that is closest/most convenient to you. You will hear good/bad stories about them all because every birth is different and the sort of birth you had definitely effects your judgement on the hospital.

Good luck
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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby Elenita4ever » Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:32 pm

Hi -- I think all three have their good and bad points - but I would advise you to also look at which is the BUSIEST. Because good, bad, it all becomes irrelevant if there's not room at the inn!
I was booked into C&W for my first - primarily because I thought my hubby would appreciate being close to Carluccio's :)
But it didn't work out because, on the night that I went into labour, they were full/closed. The midwife-in-charge (Mary someone) was supposed to phone back with an alternative, but she didn't - ever.
So there I was, high-risk first pregnancy (due to age and a blood disorder), 8 cms dilated, baby ready to pop and no ambulance would come because I had no hospital had accepted me.
Eventually, after googling the numbers of all the labour wards in London, my poor hubby managed to get us into a broom cupboard at St. Mary's in Paddington. And after a mad "blues-n-twos" ambulance dash across London my baby was born safely at 4 a.m. and I could go straight on a drip to prevent haemmorhaging (sorry can't spell it).
I now have have met 3 other new mums who also found C&W to be closed when they went into labour.
For that reason alone (and not because its not a great hospital) if I were to choose again, I would definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, go with St. Thomas'.
Good luck!
p.s. and after sitting on the floor for up to 2 hours waiting for pre-natal appts at C&W, I would definitely recommend being seen "off-site" for these if at all possible.
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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby mollys » Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:15 pm

I had both my babies at Thomas' and if I have a third will definitely be going back.
My first was a very difficult birth, but I didn't realise just how difficult until afterwards when watching One Born Every Minute with my husband ... the conversation went something along of the lines of ...
me: I know I had a tough time, but at least that didn't happen
hubby: it did. And it was worse with you because of ...
My point being that at all times, the staff were calm and collected and didn't panic and I totally felt like I was in the best possible hands and that they wouldn't let anything happen to me or the baby.
It is definitely true that different people will have had different experiences - in fact, at Thomas' with my first the pre care (induction & labour) was fantastic and I had my own room with a bathroom but after the birth they were stupidly busy and I was on a heaving ward which one of the midwives described as being like a conveyor belt!
With my 2nd, the pre care was not as good as they were busy and so I was on a shared ward but then afterwards I had a whole ward to myself and amazing care which definitely meant I breastfed my 2nd for longer than my 1st as I had loads of help establishing it. So it totally depends on how many other mums are having babies at the same time as you.
This won't make a difference to your decision (probably) but Thomas' is also attached to the Evelina childrens hospital which is fantastic if there is anything wrong. I've known people having to get the bus from their hospital to their baby's hospital
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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby firsttimerSW11 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:54 pm

I am due to have my first baby in C&W in 2 weeks time. So while I can't currently comment on delivery/postnatal care, I can honestly say that my antenatal care has been absolutely second to none. In fact, my opinions of the NHS have been revised dramatically (not having had a lot of dealing with the NHS meant I always - perhaps ignorantly - assumed you would get what you pay for, ie private was better). But Chelsea has been wonderful. Even just that it looks good, which counts for some things! But they have terrific antenatal classes, offer tours of the labour ward, have fantastic birthing units as well as labour wards. I for one am, dare I say it, looking forward to giving birth there and feel entirely confident that the care I and my baby will receive will be excellent. If I didn't feel that way, I'd have changed hospitals.
I had also looked at St George's and while I hear their neonatal unit is one of the best in the country, I've heard bad things about the ante and post natal care. It also looks a bit grotty but most people aren't as shallow as perhaps I am, so that probably won't matter. I've had friends give birth at St Thomas's and that looks good too. For me it wasn't somewhere I considered as it was a bit further that the the other two. However if I hadn't gone to C&W, I'd have chosen Thomas's as my second option.
Happy to provide feedback on C&W in a couple of weeks of you haven't already made up your mind by then.
Best of luck.
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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby Mum2Monkey » Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:33 pm

I had both mine at St George's. My second was a difficult pregnancy and the ante natal consultant care was fantastic - as was the walk in pregnancy unit. Birth experience was good although I didn't have my own midwife .... They changed about every 2 hours due to shift change, meal breaks etc (this wasn't the case with my first where I had the same midwife for 8 hours). But birth experience was positive and the neo natal unit and post natal ward were all good. I'd definitely have my next at st george"s too.

Also, I had an ensuite room on the delivery suite and a single room on the post natal ward - maybe I was just lucky or maybe they've done it up since some of the other posters were there....
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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby Mellomumma » Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:37 am

I have had 2 excellent experiences at St Thomas at the Home from Home centre with the most recent being earlier this year. I had post natal complications with my first and it was well handled so despite this I look back very positively about the birth.

The community midwives I found brilliant, for both my pregnancies I saw the same midwife at each appointment which is what they try and do at our local centre so I wouldnt let the fact that you are not in hospital put you off.

I have friends who have had good and bad experiences at both c&w and georges but all positive at St Thomas, it really all depends on a given day, what your expectations are and also your needs. Every birth is different so is each experience. Wish you well in you pregnancy and birth and hope that you are happy wherever you decide
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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby Seahorse » Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:30 am

Aren't other people's labour stories so..... SNORE!
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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby ready2pop » Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:31 am

I agree just pick the closest.

I've had 2 at George's and would recommend them but know other people who weren't happy. The same is true amongst friends who gave birth at C&W and Thomas'.

I don't think I've ever heard a positive description of the post-natal wards in any of them but then sharing a room with four of five other new mums and newborns is never going to be conducive to peace and quiet!

One thing worth bearing in mind about George's which I always found very reassuring is that if there is anything wrong with your baby their neonatal unit is second to none (it was were they sent Prince Edward's newborn).
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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby supergirl » Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:15 pm

My 2 kids were born at St Thomas at night with the Parliament lit up (i know you dont choose a hospital based on the view but it does help when you re there for 24hrs!!!).

I found it to be excellent at all level. They have a private floor which i hadnt experienced but you need to book as they only under 10 beds i think.

All the mudwives i have had experience with were brilliant. They were zlmost at my back and call especially when my husband had to leave and left me with our first child. I was so scared like what am i suppose to do now i am respinsible for an innocent soul, they were with me and reassuring me.

The hospital was clean, they didnt let me tear but give me an episiotomy, i was in the home for home feeling secure that i was in one of the best hospital.

I ve lots if friends who went to C&W snd equally happy.
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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby mumoftwoboys » Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:49 pm


I had my first at C&W in 2009 as it was our closest and had a lovely experience there. I then had my other two at St Thomas (2011 and 5 weeks ago), we moved and Thomas' is now closer than C&W, again both experiences at Thomas' were equally as good at that of C&W. But I have relatively quick labours and births but for each of my children (so no change over of midwives) have had to have a manual removal of my placenta so have had to go into theatre after a natural delivery and in each case it was handled very well and my husband and I were kept well informed and felt very safe and in great hands. The midwives that we have had at both hospitals have been fantastic as well.

So for me, I would say either hospital is great and the care I experienced was first class in both. I prefer to have my pre-natal appointments locally so I like Thomas' as I only had to go into the hospital for scans which was much easier as I worked full time in Surrey so I could have my checkups near home early before going to work and didn't have to worry about the long waiting time in the hospital.

Good luck!
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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby Sarahbabies » Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:48 pm

Hi I read this thread and I have just booked with ST Thomas' Westminster Unit for private consultant birth. I think they have recently refurbished, the unit was really nice with amazing views overlooking pariliament and big ben and really helpfull staff. I also went to have a look at the other units including Chelsea and Westminster but this one was the cheapest and is goinf to cost me under £11,000 for everything.
The hospital felt really safe, I would definately recommend it to anyone that needs that additional suport. I had a problem with my previous pregnancy.
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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby MummyWalker » Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:10 pm

One thought to add is that if you start out at one hospital, there's nothing to stop you changing hospitals mid way through your pregnancy if for some reason you aren't happy. That's what I did at around 30 weeks. There were a couple of things which made me uncomfortable about the hospital I was booked in at (nothing major, but it stressed me out and being stressed about the place you're going to give birth isn't going to make for the easiest delivery.....) so after some soul searching and speaking to friends who had had babies at both,I went to see my GP and asked them to refer me to C&W. I am 100% happy that I made the change and would definitely go back there if I have another baby.
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Re: Which hospital based on recent exp?C&W, SGeorge's or STh

Postby Sarahbabies » Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:40 pm

Hi yes I agree, and at St Thomas I think the consultants also reduce their fee for patients that book later in their care.
Good luck with your decision.
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