I would highly recommend Times up. A great game to play in teams and with children without the impression to play "baby games". I recently discovered it and had lots of fun playing with my nieces and nephews who are between 5 and 11 years old. Even the grand parents joined in and were addicted.
Fyi, the latest Monopoly edition has an electronic device. It allows players to buy streets at auction. It is quite fun though it means a bit more noise. It also speeds up the process of buying and you get to build the houses etc quicker. I see it as a plus as there are so many Monopoly games that I have never finished because I was called to lay the table for dinner
Don't also omit Cluedo. A great classic.
Less known and off track is "La guerre des moutons" from Asmodee.
Last but not least, you have the "Les Loups-garous de Thiercelieux". A recent card game but more aimed at 10 + years old.
Good luck!