Open letter to dog owners

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Open letter to dog owners

Postby txmum » Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:29 am

Dear neighbours
Bagging your dog's excrement after they do their business is expected, proper and maybe even law. It's great that you do it. Thank you.
But there is an important next step. Throw it in the bin. That is the only appropriate place for it to go. At the base of a tree, in the gutter or even just to the side of the path are all inappropriate and disgusting places to leave a bag of poo. And that bag of poo is no more sanitary than leaving your dog's pile in the path. To the people who repeatedly do this. Please stop. You're mucking up the place for the rest of us.
Thank you.
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Adventure Dad
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Re: Open letter to dog owners

Postby Adventure Dad » Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:35 pm

Totally agree with this. It's double trouble because these offenders are polluting the natural environment with plastic bags AND poo!!! On a recent run in Esher common, I even noticed people had hung these bags in trees.
Weirdly, if the plastic bags take a million years to decompose are you effectively preserving the pooh by sealing it in the bag?
I am fairly certain our future generations will wonder what sort of people we were to pick up dog pooh in bags and to hang them in trees.
A final word of warning. If I see you do this, i will quietly pick up your bag and when you aren't looking I will throw it in the back of your car!!!!
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