Thomas's Clapham, Streatham and Clapham Prep offers

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Re: Thomas's Clapham, Streatham and Clapham Prep offers

Postby papinian » Mon Dec 12, 2016 12:55 pm

dudette wrote:Thomas's tell us the parents exactly where the leavers are going.
That's of no use to those who are thinking of sending their child to Thomas's. It's prospective Thomas's parents rather than actual Thomas's parents who have the greatest interest in leavers destinations.
dudette wrote:Who's to say which secondary school is better than another?
If parents had that attitude they would hardly be looking at the independent sector to begin with, would they? They could send their children to Harris Academy Battersea or Southfields Academy!
dudette wrote:You're much better off making an appointment with the head and asking these questions directly

The head is hardly unbiased or objective, is he?
dudette wrote:rather than relying on rumours from a bunch of people who seem to have a bit of an anti-Thomas's axe to grind for whatever reason.
This seems to be a very English thing to do - anyone who says anything critical is dismissed on the basis that they have an "axe to grind". Nobody on this thread criticised Thomas's for "managing children out". They just said that, based on their anecdotal knowledge it seems to occur more frequently at Thomas's than at other comparable local prep schools.
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Re: Thomas's Clapham, Streatham and Clapham Prep offers

Postby MGMidget » Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:06 pm

As a current Thomas's parent (and have been for a few years now) I feel I must say something on this thread because the speculation is getting a bit out of hand!

For starters, if 'managing out' of children was commonplace I think it would be a hot topic amongst parents in the school and it isn't. Of all the children I have known to leave the school in the first few years this has been because the family is moving out of London. I have not known children move to other schools down the road although I have known moves to happen the other way - i.e. from the other local schools to Thomas's. There may be someone who will say they know someone who moved locally and/or was 'managed out' but my point is it must be fairly rare or it would be known about.

Regarding the admissions procedure: my son did not go to one of the so-called 'feeder' nurseries and he got a place immediately without being put on a waiting list. I thought at the time that he might not stand a chance as we would not have had the advantage of the 'inside knowledge' on what they were looking for and the possibility of special preparation by the nursery. As far as I know my son is the only person to go from his nursery to the school - certainly in his school year at least but possibly for many years before or since. I think he was the only one that applied though so that was a 100% success rate for the nursery. It is in the interests of certain nurseries to play heavily on their links with Thomas's to make them a more attractive choice for those parents considering the school. However, don't assume the school is biased - the whole set up has always seemed professional to me and they know what they are looking for. I am not sure that going to a particular nursery gives your child any advantage.

The school has a 'learning enrichment' department and supports children with various learning difficulties. My son is somewhere in the middle academically but like many children has one or two areas of weakness and I have found the school to be very supportive and will provide classroom support/interventions for children when needed.

I also think the school tries hard to enable all children to have their chance to shine. The same children do not get picked each time for the 'big' parts in school plays or other performances, positions of responsibility etc. They try hard to spread the opportunities around.

Regarding leavers destinations. I have always found this hard to get my head around for any of the schools. However, I have certainly not heard any talk of disappointing results in leavers destinations, rather that they are good results so I don't think the school is trying to hide anything.

The teaching at the school is very good in my experience and I feel confident that when the time comes for entrance exams to the next school my son will have had every opportunity he needs to develop to his full capability. Hence I don't worry about scrutinising the leavers destinations at this stage! I feel confident the school is doing everything it can to bring out the best in my son and he will go to a school that best suits him.
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Re: Thomas's Clapham, Streatham and Clapham Prep offers

Postby sofiatheseventh » Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:47 pm

Well two kids definitely joined Broomwood from Thomas's Clapham this year.
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Re: Thomas's Clapham, Streatham and Clapham Prep offers

Postby MGMidget » Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:38 pm

And I recall a former head boy at Thomas's saying he moved from Broomwood. Some movement will occur between schools I'm sure but I don't think there's a lot of children leaving Thomas's for local schools - not from what I have seen anyway.
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Re: Thomas's Clapham, Streatham and Clapham Prep offers

Postby sofiatheseventh » Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:55 pm

I don't dispute that at all.

But you originally said
I have not known children move to other schools down the road although I have known moves to happen the other way
so I was just pointing out that I know of 2 who have done just that in the last 6 months.

If you post to correct 'speculation' it is better to be accurate.
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Re: Thomas's Clapham, Streatham and Clapham Prep offers

Postby papinian » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:01 pm

MGMidget wrote:Some movement will occur between schools I'm sure but I don't think there's a lot of children leaving Thomas's for local schools - not from what I have seen anyway.
Different people may have different views of what constitutes "a lot" in this context so it would be helpful if you could give your view as to what the level of churn is and, specifically, what the level of churn to other local prep schools is. Thomas's Clapham admits 80 in each year (about half of whom are siblings) so that's the number that we'd be working off. Of course, not everyone who leaves to go to another local prep will have been "managed out".
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Re: Thomas's Clapham, Streatham and Clapham Prep offers

Postby MGMidget » Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:42 am

I can't give you an estimate of level of churn to other local prep schools myself since I don't know of any. Maybe someone else can or maybe it can be pieced together from various posters experience. I can tell you specifically from my experience that in each school year my son has been in there has been either one or no children leaving from his class (always at the end of the school year if I remember correctly) and they have left because the family was moving out of London. In other classes it may have been slightly different of course but I haven't heard of classes losing lots of children. I can only give you a parents perspective not whole school statistics.
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