single vaccine doses MMR - private in Wandsworth

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Re: single vaccine doses MMR - private in Wandsworth

Postby dudette » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:14 am

It's all a big conspiracy folks! Those shape-shifting politicians are trying to cover up all the evidence that the MMR jab causes autism and are forcing it on our poor kids for their own nefarious means. Same with the polio vaccine which thank heavens a lot of people in rural Pakistan are now refusing - because they know it's just a plot to sterilise their kids. Yes, polio, which was nearly eradicated for good, has come back with a vengeance but it's a small price to pay.

It's so fortunate we have the Internet with its wealth of fair and balanced information to warn us of the dangers of these terrible things. Now we all know there really are fairies at the bottom of the garden and the moon is made of green cheese.
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Re: single vaccine doses MMR - private in Wandsworth

Postby calliwally » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:52 am

It's all down to personal choice whether the jabs are administered separately or together as the MMR I suppose, but why wasn't a bigger study ever done (by the original Dr or anyone else) to determine if autism really is caused by the MMR jab? The original paper was publicised in 1998 reporting a study of twelve children who had similar bowel symptoms and also happened to develop Autism. That's not many kids for a true study as to the effects of Autism alone, plus the fact it was 17 years ago so plenty of time for someone else to run a proper study with a lot more children. Has a study been done on all the kids who had separate vaccines as to whether any of those kids developed Autism?

The National Autistic Society would like more evidence as to the causes of Autism but the thing that swayed me that there was no evidence to the link between Autism and the MMR was their statement:
The National Autistic Society (NAS) is keenly aware of the understandable concerns of parents surrounding suggested links between autism and the MMR vaccine. We recognise that the weight of epidemiological evidence indicates that there is no statistically significant link between the MMR vaccine and autism. ... utism.aspx

My children both had the MMR jab and they are not showing any Autistic tendencies.
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