My mother cut my daughters hair without my permission

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Re: My mother cut my daughters hair without my permission

Postby Bri » Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:32 am

Sorry but this is classed as abuse - if a foster carer cut the foster child's hair without consent they wouldn't have the children, as the parents (rightly or wrongly) have parental responsibility for the well being of the children.

Having messed up hair and therefore liable to be bullied is a form of abuse, intentionally or not, she knew you didn't want it cut so it is a form of power and control. This too is abusive. She did it to a child who couldn't say no, this too is abuse of power.

The fact she did it to your niece and didn't learn that it's wrong indicates to me that she sees herself as having higher authority than the parents. In a court she would be seen as being wrong (I am not suggesting you take her to court) .... but if you think I'm wrong ask yourself if your mum pierced her nose/ears without permission on a 2yr old ... or tattood her ... it'd be instantly seen as abuse of power.

For some reason "because it grows back" people don't take the same view with hair - but in the eyes of the law it is.
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Re: My mother cut my daughters hair without my permission

Postby mylifestory » Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:42 am

I totally agree with Bri. It is a form of abuse and showing that she can still be in control of you through your children.

My mother did the exact same thing, cut my daughters hair when she was small. Repeatedly. And she would still be doing it now if I never left them alone again. Its hard for me too, when theyre together I have to be there watching but if I didnt I know she would do it again as its been done so many times before.

Id stay away from your mother for quite a while if I were you or it wont sink in at all. Try not to leave them together alone and make a point of telling her why youre doing this. Don't mention the hair but just say you don't know what she might do. Don't get angry as she'll put it back on you in some way, my mother always does.

Another friend of mine let her mum take her daughter round the block for a walk, she didn't see them again for several hours. The mother *never* had the granddaughter again .....
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