5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby Caticattiva » Mon Apr 25, 2022 7:25 am

To the OP question: my answer in NO
I will not be vaccinating my kids against Covid

Important to mention: they have had all their vaccines, including some that were not included in the NHS vaccination programme at the time like MEnB and we had to pay for them

DH and I have hade 3 Covid vaccines each

However, I consider that there’s no reason to give this vaccine to children and it might be too risky
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby chorister » Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:24 am

muddyboots, readysteadycook

1.  muddyboots - I mentioned MMR because is demonstrates that your assertion that COVID vaccines are unusual in that they are to benefit others only is (probably innocently) false.

2.  readysteadycook - Ah Wikipedia - it must be correct then.  Have you the faintest idea how Wikipedia works and is edited and what a top level summary only it provides?  Try real research, and look at the results of the tens of millions of people who have been vaccinated with mRNA vaccines around the world.
Last edited by chorister on Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby muddyboots » Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:43 am

Chorister, I disagree.

1) There MMR protects the child against 3 diseases which can be very dangerous to them. I might add there has been return in measles which was virtually gone in the developed world.

2) the Benefit of MMR vs getting mumps, measles rubella is huge vs a child getting a most likely symptomless Covid infection and getting jabbed for it.

3) there are DECADES of safety data for the MMR.
Government have previously stated new vaccines safe like swine flue jab which had to be altered after cases of narcolepsy in young children.

I think it’s totally sensible for each parent to do their own risk reward evaluation.

My children had Covid already without any complications, unless the virus changes.
To me, the potentially unwanted side effected of a jab against a disease they’ve had and probably won’t affect them if re-infected is not worth it.

And yes, It’s totally given to benefit the rest of the population.
No not the case for MMR at all .
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby CCgayton » Mon Apr 25, 2022 12:23 pm

Absolutely well said! Could not agree more
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby chorister » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:11 pm

muddyboots - you are partly right - I was using 'shorthand' when I referred to MMR, and should have said the measles component specifically.  Any vaccine (including mumps and rubella) does protect third parties in addition the person vaccinated, but in the case of measles there is a specific effect because it is very infectious and dangerous for children (babies) too young to be vaccinated, and vulnerable people with immune system deficiencies and actually to unvaccinated people (especially children) generally.  One of it's recognised benefits is conferring 'herd immunity' - which is the aim with COVID.

And you are of course correct about the safety data on MMR - which has, as I am sure you recognise, been accumulated because the vaccine has been administered based on exactly the the sort of protocols and test results that have led to the COVID vaccine being recommended.

I think - and I don't mean this at all offensively - that the answer lies in your statement ".... it’s totally sensible for each parent to do their own risk reward evaluation".  Actually it isn't.  There is a reason why billions are spent carrying out, evaluating and reviewing trials and going through a regulatory process - it is because it is a fantastically complicated field, and with the greatest respect you have no chance of making a informed risk/reward assessment (though you may try your best and think you have) unless you are a specialist with access to all the data - not cherry picked subsets of data.
Last edited by chorister on Mon Apr 25, 2022 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby chorister » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:20 pm

readysteadycook - you are going to have to do much, much better than that.  Angus Dalgleish is a cancer specialist at St Georges with no background in COVID at all.  He also seems to be a conspiracy theorist, spreading nonsense about COVID being manufactured etc, which has been debunked time and again (see https://fullfact.org/health/richard-dea ... us-claims/).

Try finding someone who knows what they are talking about to quote.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby NPMember » Mon Apr 25, 2022 6:48 pm

Admin should really refer all the people on here to the NHS website and NHS leaflets on this topic, and then if any concerns to discuss these with your own family GP / medical doctor in person to make your decision as a parent for your children yourself and with them if needed - rather than relying on random links from a myriad of websites from any posters. NHS and private medical doctors and nurses are fully trained to discuss these sensitive issues in person with anyone who needs to.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby readysteadycook » Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:17 pm

NPMember wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 6:48 pmAdmin should really refer all the people on here to the NHS website and NHS leaflets on this topic, and then if any concerns to discuss these with your own family GP / medical doctor in person to make your decision as a parent for your children yourself and with them if needed - rather than relying on random links from a myriad of websites from any posters. NHS and private medical doctors and nurses are fully trained to discuss these sensitive issues in person with anyone who needs to.

Do you think the GP's have time to talk to everyone, it currently takes me 2-3 weeks to even get an appointment  - we are lucky to have the Internet as a resource for many reason, including Nappyvalley! The more you read, there more you will form your own opinion - try to avoid confirmation bias.

I would argue that the NHS employees either aren't allowed to express their personal opinion (against the NHS official stance) or many don't staff understand what is happening around the world. We need to reach away from the MSM.

As I say, feel free to make your own decisions about what to inject into your children, all I am trying to highlight is that you need to think carefully - this is not a normal vaccine. It probably should not even be called a vaccine in the traditional sense of what we understand.
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby readysteadycook » Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:25 pm

chorister wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:11 pmmuddyboots - you are partly right - I was using 'shorthand' when I referred to MMR, and should have said the measles component specifically.  Any vaccine (including mumps and rubella) does protect third parties in addition the person vaccinated, but in the case of measles there is a specific effect because it is very infectious and dangerous for children (babies) too young to be vaccinated, and vulnerable people with immune system deficiencies and actually to unvaccinated people (especially children) generally.  One of it's recognised benefits is conferring 'herd immunity' - which is the aim with COVID.

And you are of course correct about the safety data on MMR - which has, as I am sure you recognise, been accumulated because the vaccine has been administered based on exactly the the sort of protocols and test results that have led to the COVID vaccine being recommended.

I think - and I don't mean this at all offensively - that the answer lies in your statement ".... it’s totally sensible for each parent to do their own risk reward evaluation".  Actually it isn't.  There is a reason why billions are spent carrying out, evaluating and reviewing trials and going through a regulatory process - it is because it is a fantastically complicated field, and with the greatest respect you have no chance of making a informed risk/reward assessment (though you may try your best and think you have) unless you are a specialist with access to all the data - not cherry picked subsets of data.
So how do you respond to a local NHS employee, very bravely refusing to take the Covid Vaccine and speaking up last year to an MP, Javid - Steve James is an intelligent, articulate individual who spoke against all the speedy 'trials' on small groups of people and the reason for taking the vaccine.

https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-nhs ... e-12529372

Steve can gather information, think and make an educated informed decision, our young children don't have that luxury. To me his stand was very powerful.

Maybe the reason £billions are spent on trials, is that multi £billions are made in profits for the  pharmaceuticals?
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby Mumofthreeteens » Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:14 am

Apologies, my previous post was to be the last on this matter but I feel I have to respond to some of the comments.
We may not all be doctors or scientists but that doesn’t mean we can’t all do our own research. I’m afraid an NHS leaflet is not sufficient research. It does not give you the full picture. Let’s not forget this same NHS pushed the “safe” swine flu vaccine and “safe” thalidomide and don’t start me on all the hospital scandals….The NHS issues a directive and doctors and nurses follow it. Doctors in particular have done extremely well out of Covid. While simultaneously being paid over £12 per vaccination(£15 per child) (given face to face) they have been “unable” to see patients face to face and now, having made thousands and thousands from the vaccines, are reluctant to work full time or actually see patients. Do you really think their view is the only research you should seek?

So much information out there is in plain sight. Read the the yellow card date which is a record of adverse affects, past experience suggests that in reality only between 1 to 10% of adverse reactions are recorded. It is quite an onerous process to complete an entry so I would consider this data not dismiss without question.

Look up the Governments own weekly Covid surveillance reports. They contain some interesting data that is hard to argue with and is based on their own UK data. Incidentally New Zealand is having the worst Covid outbreak and worse number of Covid deaths since over 90% of their population is vaccinated and this is with the “milder” Omicron variant. Data from the UK, US, Israel and Australia shows similar trends. Triple vaccinated now have worse Covid outcomes than unvaccinated. That’s not to say they didn’t get a window of protection just that the longer term affects are not good.

Read the latest Lancet study which concludes the Covid vaccine has been useless at saving lives and refers to the Moderna and Pfizer trial data where more people died during their trials than in the placebo group.

Lastly I would say follow the money. Big Pharma have suppressed alternative cheap “safe” medicines and supplements to push this vaccine. Your best interests are not theirs. Look up their track records. Pfizer has been fined billions in the past for past vaccines and drugs and Moderna has never successfully produced a human vaccine before. Look at where some of our MPs investments lie. A quick check on companies house turns up some interesting directorships and shareholding’s. ITV’s own Dr Hillary Jones, stands to make a fortune from his vaccine-related investments.

My point is the people you are handing over your trust to can be biased and do not necessarily have your best interests in hand. They are just following a directive. I have spoken to a number of GPs, many can tell you nothing of what is in the vaccine and can’t answer the most basic questions about it. Many admit to having patients with adverse reactions, which they too easily dismiss without asking questions.

I know a number of GPs who are not giving the vaccine to their children but for their careers are keeping quiet about their views. Such is the pressure to do so in the NHS. Frustrating , but they have children to support and the cancel culture means they will lose everything.

The media has done an extremely good job of vilifying anyone who dares question the narrative and I note on here several calls to admin. Why, when there is so much at stake are we unable to have an open discussion on this?

This is still an experimental vaccine, the average age of death is still over 82.5 years and more people died of flu in the winter of 2017/18.

I am no Covid denier and I know of people (not directly) who sadly died, I also know people (more directly) who have suffered adverse affects.

Just remember you can wait. Don’t rush to vaccinate your children. Vulnerable people have already been vaccinated and if you believe the vaccine works then they are protected. (Don’t start me on the ethics of risking children to save granny). My parents are horrified at that thought and do not want their grandchildren vaccinated for them. My in-laws argue that if it was good enough for Prince Philip then we should all have it! Which logic would you follow?!

With best wishes…
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby readysteadycook » Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:06 pm

Interesting to see Denmark and Sweden pausing the Covid vaccine for all under 18's due to side effects that need to be looked into :-

https://www.reuters.com/business/health ... 021-10-06/

Norway is now not recommending the vaccine for 5-11 year olds :-

https://www.euractiv.com/section/politi ... -decision/

Poland will take no more vaccines 
https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/po ... 022-04-19/
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby readysteadycook » Fri May 13, 2022 9:43 pm

Here are some recent articles that people still deciding on getting a child vaccine should read and then make up their own mind.

However little the risk is, is it worth it ?


Something to think about when asking for help from your GP :-


I now dont know anyone getting children vaccinated, but if you want to,  please keep reading up
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Re: 5-11 CHILDREN'S COVID VACCINES - would you put your child anywhere near them ?

Postby readysteadycook » Sun Jun 12, 2022 7:21 pm

For those who don't follow Neil Oliver, this is a great 10 minute video about the vaccines. Starting off with the CEO of a Spanish Pharma company who lied about taking the vaccine.

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