Report now available on Ofsted website: ... ELS/101017
"Progress for disabled pupils and those with special educational needs, is not consistently good."
"This variability in progress is because teachers do not always use accurate assessment information to set work at the right level for these pupils."
"The pace of learning in lessons is not consistently fast enough. This is because teachers sometimes spend too long explaining tasks or do not adapt them in response to pupils’ needs. As a result pupils sometimes spend too long on undemanding tasks."
"While there are targets in pupils’ books, these are not always challenging because they are not based on accurate up-to-date assessment information and they are not always reviewed."
"Behaviour is not yet outstanding because some pupils in particular year groups reported that their learning is sometimes disrupted by a few pupils who become bored in lessons where teaching is not strong."
"More-able pupils, pupils with special educational needs and from minority ethnic backgrounds do not always make as much progress as they should."
"Governors are not as well informed about the achievement of all groups of pupils as they need to be in order to offer effective challenge to the school, or hold staff fully to account for pupils’ achievement."
"some parents and carers who responded to the Parent View survey indicated that they were not satisfied with the way the school had responded to their concerns"
"Governors have formalised the way in which they carry out their visits to the school. They show some understanding of the school’s performance, and of the quality of teaching in the school, but until recently they offered limited challenge to the school. This is partly because they are not provided with enough information about the progress and attainment of all groups of pupils across the school and partly because much of the governing body’s attention has been focused on matters relating to staffing and the increasing number of disabled pupils and of those with special educational needs."