Thomas' Parents please don't park on street corners

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Re: Thomas' Parents please don't park on street corners

Postby HashBrown » Sat Mar 26, 2022 3:14 pm

To: Zombiedmummy

Given that recently the royal bodyguards have been parking further back from the dropped curb (so they don't block it) and turning off their engines, it looks like this is their choice rather than an imperative for them.

Also, given that they are often on their phones, drinking coffee or chatting to other bodyguards through their car windows, I assume that they aren't in the high alert you think they are.

I'm sure we all support them doing their jobs, but equally it would be nice if they continued to park in such a way that pedestrians aren't forced to walk out into a busy street (often with small children') to get around their vehicles.

In terms of being a keyboard warrior, perhaps let people care about their communities. All human life is equal. I support keeping the royal children safe. I also support keeping all the small children that regularly just Battersea high Street (with its second primary school and nursery school) safe by not forcing them into the road when they cross the street.
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Re: Thomas' Parents please don't park on street corners

Postby dimelda » Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:39 pm

To Chorister:   Being a technical dinosaur, I concede you’ll know much more about technical / electronic equipment etc than I do.  But having to leave the engine idling all day (which from what you say might have to be done to keep the equipment charged) is bad news all around.  If this is the case, it would seem the locals haven’t a leg to stand on – they clearly have no choice other than to live with the pollution & constant annoying noise of idling engines.   The moral of the story therefore is :  never (if you can help it) live near a school which the Royals attend, or are likely to attend – sadly no solution to those already living in the area - but, with any luck, the kids will be moving on shortly.  Peace at last!
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