General election - vote for staying in EU?

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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby BeeCee » Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:51 pm

"What Corbyn did do was very much contribute to Northern Ireland's peace process in the 1980s at a time when little Englanders had the British Army terrorising the civilian population of half of Northern Ireland. Without people like Corbyn the peace process would never have happened and it's disgusting that small-minded people sneer at him about his contribution." :o

Actually, Papinian, what you have written is a lie. Contribute to the peace process in the 1980's? Corbyn opposed the Anglo-Irish Agreement in Parliament, he spoke at pro-IRA commemorations for terrorists in 1986, he spoke at Troops Out rallies,.....the list goes on. Do not try to pass off your opinion as fact or reinterpret Corbyn's role in the peace process- he was a cheerleader for the IRA.

As for "terrorising the civilian population", that's what the IRA did- here and in Northern Ireland.

Step away from the keyboard, have hijacked and then embarrassed yourself on so many threads today that I actually feel a wee bit sorry for, bless.
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby Denwand » Fri Apr 28, 2017 11:33 am

papinian wrote: It's shameful what the media did to Tim Farron regarding homosexual acts being sinful. Sin is a question of religion.
The point was that Farron avoided the question, blustered and tried to push it away - in answer to the previous posters assertion that that's only what Tories did...

...and of course Tim handled the thing so well didn't he?
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby Denwand » Fri Apr 28, 2017 11:47 am

papinian wrote: Corbyn never called the provisional IRA his friends. That's a lie. What Corbyn did do was very much contribute to Northern Ireland's peace process in the 1980s at a time when little Englanders had the British Army terrorising the civilian population of half of Northern Ireland. Without people like Corbyn the peace process would never have happened and it's disgusting that small-minded people sneer at him about his contribution.
papinian you are slipping! Posting a picture of May years after the Anglo Irish agreement and trying to compare that with Corbyn's support of the IRA whilst people were still being blown to pieces in the street!

For someone "not friends" with the IRA he invited a lot of them to tea at Westminster - including convicted IRA terrorists just days after the Brighton bombing!

He did not want peace in Northern Ireland - if he did he would have met with the Unionist side as well- he wanted the Nationalists and terrorists to prevail!

Corbyn voted against the critically important 1985 Anglo-Irish Agreement, saying:

"Does the hon. Gentleman accept that some of us oppose the agreement for reasons other than those that he has given [i.e. Unionist]? We believe that the agreement strengthens rather than weakens the border between the six and the twenty-six counties, and those of us who wish to see a united Ireland oppose the agreement for that reason."

For more on the fantasy that Corbyn had contributed to the peace process read here; ... l-fantasy/
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Heavens to Betsy
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby Heavens to Betsy » Tue May 02, 2017 7:45 am

I would like to vote for any party who would reverse Brexit (I would vote for the Miss Piggy Party if that was an option), and we could remain in Europe.

Lib Dems seem to be closest to this, but in Battersea we don't appear to have a Candidate. I have googled 'Battersea Lib Dem candidate" and nothing comes up.

What to do?
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby phigoldenspiral » Tue May 02, 2017 8:04 am

I'd describe myself as ordinarily Tory but I don't believe any government should go unopposed. So I do believe in tactical voting in this instance.
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby storm35 » Tue May 02, 2017 8:16 am

Heavens To Betsy, the Lib Dem candidate is Richard Davis and they are absolutely campaigning for the seat of Battersea and to fight Brexit. Heres the link. ... _battersea
or you can follow him on Twitter/FB which I'm doing. You can also look at Wandsworth Lib Dems online.
Their campaign is kicking off this week.
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby Motherslittlehelper » Tue May 02, 2017 9:04 am

If a democratic vote is made, the result has to stand. You can't overturn Brexit as that would go against the democratic process this country is built on. we are where we are, if you really think the liberal democrats are worth your vote then vote for them, but the country needs a strong governing party to take on europe or we will get a terrible deal. If we are not united we will get stuffed, this is not a time to play games with your vote on a whim.

As for Corbyn, well if you are thinking of voting labour, you are saying you think he is will make a great leader for the next 5 brexit years - in my view you probably should not be allowed out of the house on that voting basis as he would not last 2 minutes. Labour will tax the death out of the likes of Wandsworth residents - its time to have a real think if you are a life long labour supporter of your vote if going in the right place, don't just vote labour because that's what you have always done....
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby GuyD73 » Tue May 02, 2017 10:42 am

I am one of those who believes Brexit can and should be stopped. The will of the people is nonsense, latest poll shows more think Brexit a bad idea than a good one. It is quite possible that the opinion of the country will have materially changed by the time negotiations are concluded. May changed her mind about the EUref but is not allowing the electorate to.
Does anyone know who Battersea labour are fielding as a candidate to replace Will Martindale? aren't they leaving it a bit late?

There's zero chance of Corbyn winning, so, as a tory voter in 2010 and 2015, I'll be voting labour as I don't believe the lib dems can unseat Jane Ellison coming from a base of 2,000 votes. Realistically, best outcome is a reduced tory majority and more Remain friendly MPs in Parliament. Notwithstanding Corbyn's pathetic performance re. Brexit there are Labour rebels that will continue to defy the whip and policy will surely have to be to vote for 'no deal' if as Kier Starmer recently articulated, the deal doesn't deliver the 'exact same benefits', which it can't possibly, hence Junker's 'another galaxy' comment.

I do hope the whole country votes tactically to diminish May's power, it is far from 'playing games', it is the ONLY way to avert the catastrophe that is Brexit.
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby storm35 » Tue May 02, 2017 10:56 am

Labour's Battersea candidate is Marsha Decordova (announced last night on Twitter), and is unfortunately a friend of Kate Hoey who tweeted her congratulations with a cosy photo of them both.
I'm sticking with Lib Dem. I cant do Corbyn/friend of Kate Hoey.
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby GuyD73 » Tue May 02, 2017 11:05 am

Labour are determined to shoot themselves in the foot aren't they? All they needed to do was field a candidate who, like Rosena Allin-Khan, is prepared to defy the senseless support by Labour of the Brexit agenda, and they could have been well placed to win the the seat - muppets. Oh well, hopefully when Labour get annihilated they will at least get a new leader capable of some opposition...
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby Motherslittlehelper » Tue May 02, 2017 11:22 am

Guyd73 - vote for what is best, not what is tactical or you are likely to get a result you never imagined. It's easy for a party that has less than 10 MPs to take an anti Brexit stance to appeal to voters - but how will they govern the country, they have no policies or people to make us great. What happens if a fringe party won the election and you voted for them, would you be happy if many of the country then wanted another election as they were not happy with your choice ? The Brexit vote is no different. We must all respect the decision and make the most of things as they are, there are opportunities out there if you want to take them
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby storm35 » Tue May 02, 2017 11:38 am

I disagree. The Brexit vote was a highly emotional one on many levels and it has been conceded by many that economically, the average person is going to be worse off. The campaigns were untruthful. A majority of people voted because they were looking for someone to blame for not being able to get on in life and the EU was given as the reason by the right wing media. The actual number works out at 37% of the electorate voted leave, not a majority. I do not agree that we should just now accept the "democratic" vote, polls are showing that people are repenting. If you do not believe we should leave the EU then keep the pressure up, not just sit back and hope the Tories who started all this, come out with a better deal that what we already have - which is impossible. My local MP Jane Ellison has done absolutely nothing to stand up for us, nothing. If we dont fight back with our vote we will be living under a dictatorship. Being told to accept a vote really gets me annoyed, noone has any right to tell people to just accept it. Theresa May is allowed to change her mind about Brexit, why isn't everyone else?
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby Motherslittlehelper » Tue May 02, 2017 1:02 pm

But mrs May is running the country and the country has voted for something to happen, it's her job to implement it. You say 37% voted to leave out of the total population, well even fewer voted to stay. A vote has happened and it's very rude to think that people who didn't vote the way you did, are wrong. If my kids acted like that, I would be very disappointed in them to say the least.
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby storm35 » Tue May 02, 2017 1:12 pm

Its not rude to think that someone voted wrong, its just a matter of opinion! We are still allowed that right? That is what elections are for, people have a choice and everyone thinks they make the right one. There is no need to start calling me rude and trying to shut me down for saying I happen to think Leave was the wrong choice. When you start name calling, are you perhaps feeling challenged or trying to divert from the issue?
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Re: General election - vote for staying in EU?

Postby KatherineHepburn » Tue May 02, 2017 3:10 pm

Misty32 I absolutely agree with you.
In fact I would go further to say that the whole stupid referendum should never have taken place in the first place. There were far too many egos involved and manipulation from those hoping for more influence and power - Murdoch and Rothmere come to mind here.

The populace, myself included, should not have been left with such an important decision to make. It was ludicrous. Perhaps if we were all economists we could have somehow begun to get our heads around the implications...but we are not. Thus, we were left in the grip of the newspapers and pundits pushing their own ideological and financial claim.

I will not 'get over it'. This government is an utter mess. Questions are not being answered. Cuts to the NHS and schools are being made. In fact vast swathes of the NHS has already been sold off. These will have huge implications for all of us.
If you believe in the NHS or state schools then you do actually believe in socialism. It is not a dirty word.
Over the weekend Mrs May could not even answer why nurses were using food banks. No one here is that stupid or callous.

I will be voting Labour in Tooting, I do support Rosena. I do not believe Corbyn to be the bumbling fool that the papers or media would like you to believe that he is. Yes, he voted out, I did not but I do believe that is has the ability and capacity to be a great PM, if not I am sure that a certain Milliband will possibly return. But then of course, I do not read the Daily Fail, Telegraph or

I believe that in this issue Jane Ellison has let her constituents in Battersea down. I guess the question then returns to who is able to get her out?
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