Postby GWcouns » Tue May 31, 2011 12:16 pm
I've had 2 cocker spaniels, a more loving, fun dog you couldn't wish for. All pedigree dogs come with their own glitches due to the nature of the beast, i.e, the pure bredness of them, and cockers can have bad ears. I had one who never had a days illness, or ear problem his whole life (apart from when he nearly killed himself eating something horrendous in the park - but that was self inflicted) and I've got one now who I probably have to take to the vet 2 or 3 times a year for antibiotics for funny ears.
Thats the bad bit. The good bit is they are just the most spectacular pets. I do remember when we were buying our first (a black and white) that we were warned off buying one of the honey coloured ones because they can be snappy - don't know what truth there is but I erred on the side of caution. Also, there are 2 types, show cockers, and working cockers. Out current one is a working cocker, took a lot longer to calm down from 'mad puppy' stage than the first on who was a show cocker. They tend to be more placid I think - but I also think working cockers have bags more personality. If he could have a wish granted it would be to be able to talk and sit up at the table with us at dinner, he really is a member of the family