I am sure you would agree that it is super difficult being a teenager in todays world. As a former secondary school teacher I have seen the rise of technology, peer pressure, the need ‘to fit in’ and unrealistic expectations from the media all have a massive affect. This has impacted teenagers social skills and the ability to form positive relations and communicate with others.
To help with this CHAMPS will be running a 6 week social skills and communication course for teens in Wimbledon after the FEB half term. Here your child will learn:
-Calm and assertive social communication
-social problem solving
-how to create healthy friendships
-self belief and managing emotions in groups
-Social successes
Each session will focus on a specific module with a valuable handout with action steps to follow at home and at school. This course is suitable for EVERY young person as these are skills that they will need at school, but also moving forward into the workplace.
To book or to find out more info contact Leigh on 07709645115 or email leigh.champs@gmail.com