Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

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Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby joeywallace45 » Tue Feb 04, 2020 3:30 pm

Has anyone had any joy at Lister, My AMH is 3.7 and I am 43 in a few weeks. I have a 7 year old daughter conceived naturally and have been trying for three years for a much wanted 2nd baby. I have also been to another clinic to try a super ovulation program (Mr Shehata at the Miscarriage Clinic in Epsom). Do they do loads of tests at the Lister (on male and females?). I have some tests I can take with me. I would just like to know what we are up for and how long I may need to wait before starting. I am booked into see them this week. I have had two miscarriages and one ectopic pregnancy and I am ready for this to happen now as feel I am running out of time quickly. Any advice would be more than welcome. thank you  :D
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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby Batterseamomma82 » Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:44 am

I’m sorry to hear of your struggles, it is awful experience to go through. I know you are after advice on the Lister, however, please have a look into Mr Nikolao. He is the lead consultant for fertility at Chelsea and Westminster and specializes in helping to achieve pregnancies in Women who are over 40. He helped us have our first child and I really do recommend him. Wishing you the best for your journey and I hope it’s all a success.
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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby Mrsmac35 » Mon Feb 10, 2020 5:16 pm

I would definitely recommend the lister.. we had success first time and I’m 42
Do get in touch if you have any questions
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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby coldatchristmas » Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:22 am

So sorry to hear of your struggle.

My (39 year old) best friend had been in a similar to you. Took a little time to conceive her first but wasn't happening second time around. She conceived via Lister and I know was delighted with the process. She Hope that this gives you some hope.

Sending you positive thoughts for a happy outcome.
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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby Snowy » Mon May 04, 2020 8:13 pm


I generally don’t post but I just thought I’d reply as my response is relevant to you I hope. I suffered several miscarriages and have one child naturally. I had my second child via ivf (3rd round) with the lister just after my 43rd birthday with my own pre tested eggs. My friend also had her first baby via ivf (1st round using frozen embryo) with them aged 43 with untested eggs.

Whatever you choose I wish you the best of luck.
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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby Suzie01 » Sat Aug 01, 2020 10:08 am


Im starting short protocol at lister in few weeks time,
Would appreciate if someone can give me rough timelime of the procedure? I do shift work so its so hard for me to book day off or change my shift last minute, so trying to be as organised as i can so that i can avoid stress later.
How many days did you inject for? And what day was your egg collection?
Is there any specific timing for the scans and blood tests?
How many scans and blood tests did you had after day 1 of inections?

Would really appreciate if anyone can reply, so that i can get an idea.

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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby Pamela00 » Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:35 pm


I'm very interested in your experience with Lister. I want to start IVF in September and thinking of trying either Lister or CRGH. Both clinics have high success rates for women over 40. 

I must say that I'm totally terrified of self-injecting. Would any of these clinics help with IVF injections? Or does anyone know of any private nurse who would be available to do the injections without charging a fortune?

Thank you!
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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby sld » Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:05 pm

Hi Susie01, I did two rounds of IVF at the Lister, and my body responded differently each time (18 days first time, 12 second time) so in terms of how many days it takes, I think it really depends on how your body responds to the treatment. The scans and blood tests happen at the same appointment, but are done by a sonographer and a nurse, so if they're busy (and they usually are!) you may end up having to wait a bit.  I think I had a couple of appointments each week. Feel free to DM me if you want to.

Pamela00, I also had a fear of injections when I first did IVF.  The nurse will show you how to do it, but then you're expected to just get on with it.  And I did, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Plus I had the thought of becoming pregnant to spur me on! I don't know of any private nurse who would do the injections I'm afraid.

For what it's worth, my 2 rounds at the Lister resulted in my two lovely girls.
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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby Suzie01 » Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:36 am


My period is any day now and i will start my injections, so nervous.
I did had an unsuccessful ivf with nhs. I was not happy with them, rushed too much, as if they just wanted to get over and done with. Really hoping it will be different experience with lister.
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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby WellbeingCentreLondon » Tue Aug 18, 2020 12:05 pm

Good morning, 

I have just seen your post and so I thought to ask if you are also considering a natural way to improve your fertility? Often when there are no medical reasons found for not being able to conceive, the reasons might be psychological(and hidden deep within us). After all, how often do we hear stories of someone trying to conceive for 10 years with no success, and when they give up and shift their attention to something else, they fall pregnant.  This is why specialised Hypnotherapy is known to double the chances of conceiving, it addresses the psychological subconscious blocks, and clears them out, which gives way to the natural way of becoming pregnant.
It is also much cheaper than many of the other techniques, which often cost thousands of pounds and they often put enormous strain on the body.

We have a wonderful Infertility and IVF Support specialist at the Wellbeing Centre London, she not only managed to conceive herself with the help of Hypnotherapy, which means she understands what you are going through, but she also combines Hypnotherapy with coaching and counselling, which means she supports you through all the up and downs you are going through on this journey.

She is a very experienced therapist and a really wonderful woman, we are lucky to work with her.

Wellbeing Centre London is based in Putney Bridge, but Lauren also does sessions online. Lauren's profile and information about the Infertility & IVF Support is on our website www. wellbeingcentrelondon. com.

You can to speak to Lauren free of charge to see how she could help.

You can book your free consultation
via email contact@wellbeingcentrelondon. com or phone 079 4262 6960 

I wish you all the best  
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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby Mumof2_BTC » Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:50 pm

Dear all,
As an "older mum" who went through several rounds of IVF for number 2, I wish you best of luck on the very emotional and, let's be honest, draining journey that IVF invariably is.

I just want to say something that I hope won't come across as unsupportive: at 43, the probabilities are not on your side. You might be lucky, but you may not.

If your objective is to have two children, please keep in mind donor egg conception. I ended up resorting to that for number two, after trying unsuccessfully with my own eggs (started IVF at 42 for second one, having conceived and given birth to the first one at 40 with no issues). It was also an emotional journey, and a big feeling of failure for not being to have my "own" (genetically) child, and worries if my two children will feel "different", given only the second one was donor-egg conceived. However, now my second is nearly four years old, I wouldn't change it for anything, because, of course, they are my child, whom I carried and loved from the very beginning.

I have been lucky to meet other women in the same situation since giving birth, although when I was going through the process, it felt like a very shameful / secretive thing to do. We used a clinic in the Czech republic. If anyone wants a private chat on the topic, please feel free to PM me.

Best of luck,
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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby Eve88 » Tue Sep 22, 2020 12:20 pm

We had unsuccessful IVF at CRGH (NHS funded) and now are thinking of changing to Lister. We are a little bit lost about what consultant to choose. A recommendation from those who had a positive experience and whose treatment resulted in pregnancy in Lister would be much appreciated.
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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby Lilac21 » Tue Sep 22, 2020 12:34 pm

I had IVF treatment at the Lister around 8 years ago and as a result conceived twins on the second round. I was 42 at the time and 43 by the time they were born. They were very helpful all the way through and I found the whole experience pretty good. I had conceived naturally a couple of years earlier but had to have a termination due to severe genetic abnormalities and then struggled to conceive again prior to the IVF. I had no other underlying fertility issues except my age. It was of course expensive and all the extra bits such as additional blood tests add up. However I was able to manage my appointments around my work - only one close colleague knew I was having the treatment - and there was some flexibility. The injections were totally fine by the way - I was scared too but they were not as bad as I feared and I was able to cope with them around work which at the time required a lot of travel and time zone changes. My consultant was Dr. James Nicopoullous
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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby Danishmum3 » Tue Sep 22, 2020 9:52 pm

Vivian Rittenberg..I tried a clomid cycle with her and I was ready to try ivf when I got pregnant
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Re: Lister Fertility Hospital IVF older mums - any joy?

Postby Gettingon » Tue Sep 29, 2020 11:02 pm

Firstly I want to wish you all the best. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you.

I did 5 rounds of ivf at the lister clinic. We found them a lovely team of people. Our first 2 rounds of IVF resulted in our first born.

We were not successful after that. Our IVF consultant was happy to continue as our ‘numbers’ were not bad for my age, but as others have said the odds are against you so it becomes an issue of money and time. Who knows maybe another attempt would have resulted in number 2?

However our journey did not end there and we made the decision to adopt and have to say 2 years on we couldn’t be happier with our choice and in hindsight we feel pleased this is how our journey to complete our family ended.

My reason for saying this (and it is of course very personal) but there are many ways to complete your family these days. Don’t give up.

Happy positive thoughts all the way!
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