Supporting our local community during this crisis

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Supporting our local community during this crisis

Postby emibt4 » Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:33 pm

[font]The constant barrage of information on social media and the news is becoming quite overwhelming and I would like to focus on doing something positive[/font] [font]We want to collate a list of people in our street/ area who are elderly/vulnerable/ self-isolating to see how best to support them  -  we are putting together a little flyer to drop through doors giving our contact details and asking people to call/email us so that we can a) establish who needs help and b) put the right people into contact with each other - I am aware that a lot of elderly people will not have access to smart phones or the internet potentially so it may need to be 'old school' methods of communication eg telephone etc[/font] Does anyone know of anything similar that is being done or services that can help support us?  Or any helpful suggestions of how we might approach this?
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Re: Supporting our local community during this crisis

Postby sld » Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:25 pm

Hi, there is a Battersea Covid-19 group set up already for Battersea on Facebook:

There are a number of suggestions on how to help on there already, and the organisers are setting up subgroups as well.
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