Hi Sarah,
I can't find the proposals online and the link doesn't work for me either. Can you share a different way to view them? Thanks for posting about this!
I'm broadly very much in favour of making roads safer for cyclists and sharing road space equitably between buses, private vehicles and modes of active travel. There are numerous routes in Wandsworth that are still extremely dangerous for cyclists. My daily commute by bike from Wandsworth to Aldgate has been transformed but safe cycle infrastructure (outside of Wandsworth) and I'm delighted to see this being used by many new cyclists. It's a very different experience to pre-lockdown when peak commute times had cycle lanes dominated by experienced male cyclist moving at speed. Now I see more women, children, older people and sightseers. The city is feeling like a more inclusive and welcoming place as a result, rather than being focused on the ease of movement for the more affluent portion of the population who own cars. I'm often noting that there are more bikes on the roads than motor vehicles now - this is a huge transformation.
We have all benefited from less pollution during lockdown and the challenges now are how to recover economically as well as facilitate movement around the city in a safe way, whilst getting polution levels under legal limits and reducing carbon emissions. To put it starkly - recover economically and kill fewer people both now and in the future. Safe cycling and walking infrastructure is clearly a significant part of the solution to all of these challenges.
I'm delighted the mayors office are being as bold with their plans as is necessary at this time, and now they have the support of central government (if not sufficient funding). Over time Wandsworth seem to have been swayed by the very organised car lobby, rather than prioritising the view of residents that is overwhelmingly in favour of safer cycling and walking infrastructure.
Here's some good information for anyone interested to know more;
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/ ... y-backlash
https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyl ... d-minority