What sort of parameters have you set your au pairs during lockdown?
Ours used to stay over at a friend’s quite often at the weekend and we told her when tier 3 came in that this wasn’t allowed any more. Her friends family said they didn’t mind but we do.
The first weekend in proper lockdown she came home well after 10 and we are sure she is just hanging out in her friend’s bedroom. We said that during this lockdown it was ok to go and meet her friend/ during the day for walks/coffee in the park but that after dark she should really be at home as it is supposed to be a proper lockdown.
Is this unreasonable? I know her friend’s family haven’t been following the rules so I think she feels hard done by.
I’d be interested in how other families are handling this as obviously she is an adult (although only just 18) but she is also living under our roof.