This 12 week week chakra course will take you on a movement and meditation journey through the seven chakras.
Each session will comprise 30 minutes of movement designed to activate whichever chakra is in focus that week followed by a 30 minute guided meditation and reflection session on each chakra.
Once the seven chakras have been experienced, we will focus in on the interrelationship between pairs of chakras; eg; Svadhithana and Manipura (Sex and Power), Third Eye and Crown, Manipura and Visshudhi as well as practice meditation with all the chakras.
Course Dates:
Monday 19 April to Monday 12 July 2021.
8pm – 9pm (GMT London)
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Chakras need to receive energy as well as express and discharge energy.When the Chakras are blocked; energy does not flow in certain areas of our life; our hearts may be protected; our sexuality repressed, our emotional expression inhibited and so on.
Understanding and working with the chakra model helps us to expand and deepen our self-knowledge at every level of our being.
I teach this course because working with the chakras in my own practice has enabled me to move from an intellectual, symbolic understanding of the chakras to a direct experience of them with profound shifts in certain areas of my life.
Join us every Monday from 8pm – 9pm (GMT London)
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★ “The chakra sessions have been simply beautiful — but this one topped the lot! In final relaxation, I felt a tremendous glow (in the literal sense of the Latin word — a shaking energy) — as if my whole body was charged with a quiet force. During several poses, I had that big quake of bioenergetics! So, big hugs to you. ” CM
★ “Thanks for another lovely class. I wanted to say how especially opening I found Monday’s meditation – this close focus on the chakras is really working for me.”