Hi, I so understand what you are going through and please feel like you aren't alone as it's much more common that you might think. I wonder if he's started school this year too? That can often be very hard for boys and can trigger 'challenging behaviour'.
I run My Parenting Solutions
I'm just starting a course called The Parent Survival Academy which you would find so helpful.
Here's the page to tell you about it.
https://www.myparentingsolutions.com/PSA - it starts on Monday 31st January. We do 5 group zoom sessions at 8pm on Monday evenings and you have a 4 module video part that you watch in your own time.
If you'd like to book to have a free chat with me, do grab a slot in my diary
Https://calendly.com/myparentingsolutio ... overy-call
I'm a mum of 4 children and I've been working with parents for over 20 years. I had lots of challenges with my kids and absolutely know I can help you with lots of positive ways to help them to regulate your son's emotions and be more cooperative! Plus you'll learn how to be so much more confident as well
Best wishes