I would like to send my son to a bilingual preschool from September, for 3 days a week. The preschool will start at 9am and finish 13:00. After 13:00 my son will go to the day nursery where is at the moment.
The preschool is in Hammersmith, about 30-40 minutes bus ride/car drive from our home in Fulham.
Would a nanny/childminder be willing to do both drop-of and pickup or it is too far to go and I had to do one of the runs?
How much people will charge for this type of childcare in Hammersmith/Fulham area?
Is it better to get a nanny with a car?
Potentially, if my son prefers the preschool to his old nursery we could extend to 5 days a week and longer session. Then we will need an after school nanny.