Classics with my Baby - concerts for mums and babies

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Classics with my Baby - concerts for mums and babies

Postby PhilippaMo » Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:19 pm

Classics with my Baby - a classical concert series for mums and babies

Classics with my Baby begins the Autumn Season!

Now well established in South East London, by popular demand, we have brought the series here to your area!

Next concert: Friday, 23rd September, 2011, 10:30am

Location: CLAPHAM - St Luke's Church, 194 Ramsden Road, London SW12 8RQ


Programme featuring Retorica: Harriet Mackenzie and Philippa Mo, violins

For our first concert in our Autumn Season, Retorica invites you on a whirlwind ride through the virtuoso repertoire for two violins, performing Wieniawski, Telemann, the greatly loved Chinese 'Butterfly Lovers' Concerto', and the magnificent Passacaglia by Handel,
reworked by Halvorsen.

Join us for a monthly event in Clapham or check our website for more concerts in Borough, Dulwich and Greenwich. The concerts are one hour long and are designed for babies and children of all ages and their carers. The idea of the concerts is that the babies are allowed to sit and listen or move around if they wish. It's about allowing the babies to do what they need to do, but at the same time, giving them an opportunity to listen to great music. The concerts are also for mums and carers to take a moment for themselves - enjoying top quality music performed by professional concert artists - with their babes in tow.

Adults £10, children come for free
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Re: Classics with my Baby - concerts for mums and babies

Postby dancing_queen59 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:36 am

Would this be suitable for 19 month old twins who refuse to sit on my knee for longer than 2 minutes?

If so and space for them to dance/run around then would love to come!
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Re: Classics with my Baby - concerts for mums and babies

Postby PhilippaMo » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:13 am

Dear dancing _queen59,
Yes absolutely! Have a look at our website ( to see one lively member of our audience enjoying the music!
Feel free to bring a cushion and join us right at the front so the twins have a good view of the instruments - and then if they want to move and dance,they can go ahead. Usual concert etiquette is suspended for the children at our Classics with my Baby series! Sneak preview - there will be a chance for the children to request their favourite songs too.
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