Kimberley Swim Clinics - Ad hoc bookings for Saturday Sessions
Due to popular demand we've made it possible to make ad hoc bookings for our Junior Squads and Adult SwimFit Saturday Sessions. The courses will run every Saturday for 4 weeks from Saturday 2nd March at Ernest Bevin College.
We'd love you to make all the sessions but if this isn't possible just scroll down to the single sessions you can make it to on our ClassForKids booking page. (Adults; this is a platform made for kids classes so you will need to add yourself as one of your kids and then assign yourself to the selected class)
In case you've missed our previous comms here's a little info....
We are very excited to welcome esteemed coach, Olympian and expert in everything swim teaching and coaching, Annemarie Munk, as our coaches' coach and mentor. We are thrilled that Coach AM will be with us to kick off our taster courses.
Junior Squads will run from 5:15pm to 6:15pm
The junior sessions will focus on improving stroke, turns and starts technique, as well as fitness (endurance and sprinting) and they will be lots of fun!
The junior sessions are perfect for swimmers age 10+ who have completed conventional swimming lesson stages but want to carry on / get back to it and want / need to work on fitness.
They also suit slightly younger children who are working on being accepted at a competitive swimming club but need to refine technique.
Adult SwimFit will run from 6:15pm to 7:15pm
The adult sessions are great for swimmers who are keen to get back in the pool but need some direction for stroke improvement and fitness.
Also great for triathletes!
Not sure if they are right for you/your child? Just call on 07771907553 or email