CARES flight harness - any good?

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CARES flight harness - any good?

Postby LdS » Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:47 pm

Hi all

We're flying out in June to Germany and am getting a little flustered with all the policies about whether a car seat is needed for our 2.5 year old...

Anyway on my internet travels I came across the CARES in-flight safety harness. On the face of it it looks really good but I wondered if anyone had experience of using it??

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Re: CARES flight harness - any good?

Postby zaza107 » Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:49 am


We started using the CARES seatbelt when our daughter was just under 1 year old. I looked into it quite a bit and concluded that it was pretty good, and that it would be sensible to get her used to it. It did mean buying an extra seat (which of course you'll need to do anyway). The carseat rules are ridiculously complicated. She was fine in it for about 20min at a stretch, though I held her on my lap in the seatbelt the airlines give you for takeoff and landing.

Depending on the timing of your trip, if you want to borrow ours and give it a try email me and we can arrange. Do check the weight limit, as I'm not sure what the maximum is.
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Re: CARES flight harness - any good?

Postby nycmommy » Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:48 am

My daughter is not a fan. In fact, I've really only tried twice, due to the protests.

This is the girl who asks if everyone's seat belt is on before the car starts, (we've told her the car can't go if she's not in her car seat and people's seat belts aren't fastened).

So she's all for seat belts and car seats, but for some reason, this doesn't work for her.

Let me know if you'd like to buy mine.
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Re: CARES flight harness - any good?

Postby Labellalavanderina » Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:09 pm

have not tried the CARES harness, but have looked into the subject quite a lot and discovered that one the latest Kiddy car seats is approved for use in flights ( think it is the GuardianPro Isofix but do check). If you need a car seat at the other end, it might be a good option to look into. We already have two (one in this country, one at the other end of a flight), so decided not to buy it for the moment, but it is on my list of options for when we need two toddler seats at each end...
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