I just wanted to let you know that I am delighted to be restarting my mums and babies singing group Thula Mama from Thursday 26th April from 10 - 11.30am.
The group is for mums and babies (from newborn - crawling). We learn simple lullabies, chants and songs from around the world in beautiful a-cappella harmony. No experience is necessary.
For the mums this is a chance to have a cup of tea and cake, a chat and learn some alternatives to traditional nursery rhymes, by singing exquisite songs in the the comfort of my living room. For the babies they get to listen to the voice of their mother, the best sound in the world!
If you would like to find out more or to find out the address and come along then do contact me either by email on jess.thulamama@googlemail.com or on 07729 864802.You can also take a look at the website www.thulamama.co.uk to hear a sample of the sort of songs we sing.
Please also feel free to forward this information to anyone you know who might be interested!
Many thanks