New primary school on Putney Hospital site under threat

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New primary school on Putney Hospital site under threat

Postby putneydad » Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:15 pm

Putney, like most of Wandsworth, is under severe pressure for primary school places and this is only going to get worse in the coming years.

The old Putney Hospital site on the Lower Richmond Road offers a great opportunity to build a new primary school providing desperately needed places. The council have purchased the site for exactly this.

Unfortunately, a small group of local residents with a huge amount of time on their hands (so clearly not parents of pre-school age children!) have mounted an aggressive campaign to stop this happening. And so far they have been successful - they got the first planning application withdrawn on a technicality, and are trying to block the second application too. They are against any school being built on this site, and have formed the so-called "Friends of Putney Common" to stop it.

Most local parents do not know that this new school is under threat, so I thought it was time to start a campaign representing the interests of the wider community, and in particular the future of our children's education.

If have put together a website to try and put our case, and to coordinate people in favour of the school. You can find it at:

It is still work in progress, but please take a look. It contains an analysis of school places in the area, and some suggestions on how to make your views known. As a busy parent with a full-time job I do not have a lot of spare time, so if you can help out with this campaign then please let me know. Use this form to join the campaign.

But most importantly, please spread the word! The campaign against the school has leafleted the whole of Putney, and I don't have the time or resources to do the same to put the compelling case in favour building the school.
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Re: New primary school on Putney Hospital site under threat

Postby putneydad » Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:45 pm

I would also be grateful if you could sign this petition, and encourage your friends to do the same: ... ID=2513325
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