BabyDays taster antenatal class Sept 27th

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BabyDays taster antenatal class Sept 27th

Postby MyBreastfedBaby » Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:54 pm

"I wish I had known about this before!" is the cry I hear so often from new parents, and that is the inspiration for the BabyDays classes.
All the BabyDays classes are about your real-life baby, not babies "by the book", and are based on the latest scientific research on babies' needs, instincts and development.
The antenatal session covers what to expect your baby to do, how different aspects of birth might affect breastfeeding, and what you can do about that, and also how to know your baby is getting enough milk and red flags to watch out for.

There is also a postnatal series of BabyDays for new parents surviving those early days and weeks.

The Baby Days "Taster" antenatal class will be on Thursday 27th September from 2:30 until 3:30, at the ReCentre (260 Balham High Road), bookings 8672 4455
The cost will be £15, which includes mum and her partner or another supporter (sister, mum, friend).
For more details of the classes see
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