A shopping extravaganza at Beatrix Potter School November 29

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A shopping extravaganza at Beatrix Potter School November 29

Postby Yummymum21 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:16 am

Beatrix Potter School, Earlsfield is hosting it's first Christmas Shopping Evening on Thursday 29th from 7pm - 10pm.
There will be a fantastic selection of stalls including Earlsfield Deli, Bunka, Fun Learning, Tickled Pink, Lush Cosmetics, Tom Thumb Jewellery, RK Ridings, Jamie at Home, Vinot!, Nessie McClay, Anna Johnston Health and Fitness, Jane Cullinan Flowes, Stella and Dot and many more.
There will be some amazing bargains to be had including Vinturi Wine Aerators (as seen on Stephen Fry's Gadgetman) at reduced prices
This is a wonderful opportunity to sample the festive atmosphere, get some new present ideas and have some mulled wine and mince pies... All under one roof
What more could you ask for?
Doors open 7pm, Thursday 29th 2012. Last entry 945pm Entry costs £1 and includes a ticket for fabulous raffle prizes.[/color][/color]
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