Thank you for your post and firstly my apologies for the delay in responding. In response to your post:
The questions to do with our school’s practice, admissions, etc can be best answered by going to the new web-site where we are adding more information each week.
Mosaic is delighted with the interest in the school and with the number of offers which have already been sent out. Demand for the school is good. Detailed admissions information is always confidential.
Having a headteacher with previous successful headship experience is an incredible bonus for our school. The Department for Education recently described Kate Baum as ‘an experienced and talented Head Teacher who has been in place for several months, and is now making a reality of our vision for Mosaic as an outstanding place of education.’
We have been delighted with the demand from parents of other faiths, beliefs and none.
We began with a ‘working title ‘ for the school and always intended to find a new name which reflects our inclusive, ethical ethos. Please visit for more information.
Mosaic is not affiliated to any synagogue or Rabbis, nor has Rabbi Romain commented publicly on Mosaic school. We respect that many Rabbis and other individuals have differing views on the role of faith schools and Mosaic’s position and vision is explained in detail on our website.
The Department for Education’s representatives looked at several possible sites for temporary accommodation. The building housing the school for up to two years is a community building which has excellent facilities for the school.
The article you site from the Jewish Chronicle is from 2010. That context was completely different. It has nothing to do with our school’s 50:50 ethos to which the proposer group, the DfE and the headteacher remain fully committed.
As mentioned above please see our website for information about school practice.