Reception Places 2013

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Reception Places 2013

Postby Mumptious » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:19 pm

South London’s first Jewish primary school (50/50 open/faith intake) will now be known as Mosaic Jewish Primary School (MJSP).

The new name will also be reflected in the logo, uniform and website. This announcement comes just after local authorities across South London have offered places to the first cohort of Reception children who will join the school when it opens in Wimbledon in September 2013.

We are delighted with the number of offers that have been made so far. However, if you are disappointed with the offer you have received for another school and wish to still be considered for a place at Mosaic please get in touch. or visit our new website
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby papinian » Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:43 pm

Mumptious: Please advise how many offers of places have been made? All 30 places or a lesser amount? If fewer than 30 places offered then are the remaining places faith places or open places? You have this information, so please share.

Do you think the lack of demand for the school is because the first headteacher has come from Alderbrook Primary School in Balham where she has been headteacher over several years during which it has had poor KS2 results? (Note: From what I have heard locally this headteacher over the three years she has been there has improved Alderbrook so this is not a reflection on her or her abilities, just that an association with a non-so-good school may be unhelpful.)

Do you think that explicitly calling the school "South London Jewish Primary" was putting off non-Jewish parents applying for the open places? Is that the reason for the change to Mosaic Primary School?

How is the school addressing the concerns raised by Rabbi Jonathan Romain's criticism of it as a faith school. (Rabbi Romain is the husband of Wimbledon of Rabbi Sybil Sheridan who is the rabbi of Wimbledon Synagogue where Mosaic is to be based.) Do Rabbi Romain and Rabbi Sheridan have different views on faith schools?

How is the school addressing concerns regarding hostility by Jewish parents towards non-Jewish pupils?
A recent article in the Jewish Chronicle ( noted that 25% of Jewish parents regarded it as "unacceptable" to admit non-Jewish children to Jewish schools and a further 50% of Jewish parents regarded it as unacceptable for more than 10% of the pupils to be Jewish.

Is it true that:
- only 6 of the 12 members of the board of Wimbledon Synagogue were in agreement with the decision to allow the school to use space in the Wimbledon Synagogue and that some of those objecting did so on the basis that 50% of the places at the school would be open ones
- children will not be allowed to bring packed lunches with meat to school because of a risk that they may bring non-kosher food into the class and/or share it with other children? As there will be no dining facilities at the school children will not be able to have any meat during the school day.
- non-Jewish boys will still be required to wear kippot (skull caps)
Last edited by papinian on Fri Apr 26, 2013 9:38 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby Mumptious » Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:50 pm

Unfortunately I don't personally have access to this information, but if you are interested in making an application for your Reception-aged child in either category (faith or open) for this September please email the school at for further information or to arrange a visit.
Best wishes
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby papinian » Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:52 pm

Thanks Mumptious for responding. Are you really not able to answer any of the questions asked?

I'm very surprised that you don't have any of this information, since you are one of the five directors of South London Jewish Primary School.
Last edited by papinian on Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby Mumptious » Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:56 pm

My apologies I didn't see the rest of your post. We are just entering the Jewish sabbath but I will respond in detail to you once the sabbath has finished tomorrow evening.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby rutnor » Sat Apr 27, 2013 3:17 pm

I am most impressed with the new website of Mosaic Jewish Primary School.
It gives clear answers and information to all interested "surfers"
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby papinian » Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:30 pm

rutnor: I'm glad that you are impressed with the Mosaic Primary School website. Interesting that this is your first post on this website. Are you perhaps already a supporter of the school?

It would be great if those involved with the school, such as Mumptious, answered the questions that I have raised. I was told today that Wimbledon Synagogue is getting £37,000 of taxpayers money for letting space to Mosaic Primary School. Nice money if you can get it.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby Medway » Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:11 am

Papinian, thanks for your very interesting post. I, for one, will be checking in to read the reply from Mumptious/ and or other representatives of the South London Jewish Primary today or Monday. In all of your posts about schools you relate interesting facts which I feel add much to this debate which is so often emotional!

Please Mumptious take the time to respond to these questions - as Papinian says you will know many of the answers and should share it, otherwise it looks like you are hiding something.

The general impression I am getting is that the free schools have not had the numbers of applications they had perhaps hoped for or expected. Personally I believe this is because they are completely untested, have no educational track record and in some cases have no clear mission or objective (in other words what do they offer that is different or distinctive from other primary schools in the area?). Those being set up by 'educational companies' I really don't get - they must make profits in some form or why would they bother? (if anyone knows the answer to this or has an opinion I would love to hear it)

While many parents showed interest at 'open meetings' and during debate on sites like this when push came to shove they chose schools which can demonstrate their offer and which have complete cohorts I think going through primary school with no older classes to observe and learn from is odd - especially if it can be avoided by sticking to one of wandsworth excellent established primaries!
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby papinian » Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:38 pm

Mumptious: You are one of the five directors of Mosaic Jewish Primary School. You said above that you would respond to my questions above. As Medway has said, if you do respond then people may draw their own (possibly incorrect) conclusions.
Last edited by papinian on Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby Mumptious » Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:14 pm

Thank you for your post and firstly my apologies for the delay in responding. In response to your post:

The questions to do with our school’s practice, admissions, etc can be best answered by going to the new web-site where we are adding more information each week.

Mosaic is delighted with the interest in the school and with the number of offers which have already been sent out. Demand for the school is good. Detailed admissions information is always confidential.

Having a headteacher with previous successful headship experience is an incredible bonus for our school. The Department for Education recently described Kate Baum as ‘an experienced and talented Head Teacher who has been in place for several months, and is now making a reality of our vision for Mosaic as an outstanding place of education.’

We have been delighted with the demand from parents of other faiths, beliefs and none.

We began with a ‘working title ‘ for the school and always intended to find a new name which reflects our inclusive, ethical ethos. Please visit for more information.

Mosaic is not affiliated to any synagogue or Rabbis, nor has Rabbi Romain commented publicly on Mosaic school. We respect that many Rabbis and other individuals have differing views on the role of faith schools and Mosaic’s position and vision is explained in detail on our website.

The Department for Education’s representatives looked at several possible sites for temporary accommodation. The building housing the school for up to two years is a community building which has excellent facilities for the school.

The article you site from the Jewish Chronicle is from 2010. That context was completely different. It has nothing to do with our school’s 50:50 ethos to which the proposer group, the DfE and the headteacher remain fully committed.

As mentioned above please see our website for information about school practice.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby papinian » Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:23 pm


Isn't it a bit misleading to say that Mosaic is not affiliated to any synagogue when it will be located in Wimbledon Synagogue? The monthly meetings of the board of overseers of Wimbledon Synagogue have discussed the South London Jewish Primary School on numerous occasions as is shown in the board's minutes. In the Wimbledon Synagogue AGM report it was stated that Wimbledon Synagogue's "relationship with the new school is likely to amount to much more than the possibility of becoming its temporary landlords".

I asked how the school is addressing concerns regarding hostility by Jewish parents towards non-Jewish pupils? From your failure to answer, I can only assume that the school is not addressing these concerns at all.

I asked whether it is true:
- children will not be allowed to bring packed lunches with meat to school because of a risk that they may bring non-kosher food into the class and/or share it with other children? As there will be no dining facilities at the school children will not be able to have any meat during the school day.
- non-Jewish boys will still be required to wear kippot (skull caps)

These questions are not answered on Why do you refuse to answer them?

I understand that you work/worked in public relations for the banking industry. However, where our children's schools (and our taxes) are concerned we deserve honesty and not PR-speak. If your approach is indicative of that taken by the other members of the Mosaic Jewish Primary School committee, I can only suggest that parents, at least non-Jewish parents, avoid Mosaic Jewish Primary School since the school's only interest in theirr children seems to be to make up the shortfall in numbers.
Last edited by papinian on Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby Medway » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:29 am

Hi - please could you answer the questions regarding the food arrangements and clothing requirements etc - plus how many offers were made to children under each of the categories (Jewish/ non Jewish). At the moment it feels like you are avoiding the direct questions and acting like a Spin Doctor. It gives me the impression that you are hiding something which I don't think you are.

Papinian - you seem to know alot about this - how does one find out the info regarding school places offered and accepted in the borough? Do you just ring the council?
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby Itchyfeet » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:38 am

Papian- why do you always have to be so hostile to posters? Tedious. The lady is obviously just trying to post about a school and wouldn't expect to have all answers to hand. A lot of people are getting a bit fed up with the constant nastiness on the site. What happened to mums all out there supporting each other and local business???
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby Talkman » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:49 am

Papinian, although you are correct in saying that the New head of Mosaic has come from Alderbrook Primary in Balham, you are incorrect in saying it's "a not so good school". Please check your facts and read the latest Ofsted report. The teaching team at Alderbrook under Kate Baum's and now Shauna Henry's leadership have turned the school around in recent years.
Apologies for taking this a little 'off thread' but It's very annoying reading negative comments about what I and other parents would regard as a very good local school.
Thank you for your time.
Now, back to the main discussion.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby specialk1215 » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:57 am

Papinian, I agree with ItchyFeet. You come across so aggressive here! I felt myself get stressed just reading your posts. You raise some valid points, but you lost credibility to me based on the one-sided and extremely aggressive nature of your comments. You even attacked Rutnor for posting an opinion! Please consider your tone... Hostility makes these forums so much less appealing.
PS. I have absolutely no opinion on the school and am not trying to push any agenda! Was just shocked at your aggression.
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