I fully sympathise with you and your friend. My Dad sadly died recently of cancer and it is a horrific disease.
The best advice I received was to focus on nutrition and excerise........sounds silly but a lot of the nutritionists at the hosiptal stay eat anything just to keep the weight on, now the weight element if massively important BUT eating the wrong foods is almost worse. I learnt that Cancer feeds of SUGAR so avoid that one and there are very healthy and nutrional ways to keep weight on.
This book was a godsend - Nourish the cancer care cookbook -
http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1848 ... UTF8&psc=1
Making food for her and her family is incredibly helpful what with hospital visits and people coming and going we found we had very little time to eat properly.
The other massively important thing is Exercise take your friend for walks to coffee shops so she keeps up her fitness and if she is gym goer get her back into the gym as soon as she is able as that will help her feel better nad flush the toxins out of the body.
Finally laughing nad not treating her like an invalid will help her feel normal and that in itself is a great healer. Spend as much time with her as you can
I am really sorry you are having to go through this