Postby pinky » Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:53 pm
Hi I was in the same postion after meternity leave , I was working as a Manger for starbucks coffee company for 7 years , I felt used , I know it is so stressful but you need to be strong and fight back .I went to lawyer explained every thing .Then he said I have strong case but he doesn't know how much I can get , I did not even go to court after they have the 1st later from the lawyer they start communicating and I got paid £12,000 so my advice is please be strong and make a note date and time for all the treatment you getting , you dont even need a witness keep all the letters ,conversations and tel. calls you making .
Lawyer can be very expensive but I used no win no fee lawyers I was so happy with the results , the lawyer I used it is near London Bridge Antonys .....if I find the no. and address I will post it for you.
Last thing I want say no women should be treated that way , we should be strong and fight back , the bad new was my boss was a woman ,but I am happy that I left , I am now working for myself and more relaxed ,I can pick up and drop off my child to door close another open .....Good luck.