Delaying starting school until year 1 - anyone done it?

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Delaying starting school until year 1 - anyone done it?

Postby lanmum » Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:33 pm

I have a August born boy, which means he will start school a couple of weeks after his 4th birthday. I know I can defer him starting school for another year, so he could start just after he is 5, but he will go straight into year one.
I just wondered if anyone had experience of doing this? I'm really concerned he will not cope with 5 full days (he's exhausted after 3 hours of nursery at the moment) by September, but I hate the idea of him missing out on reception, getting used to school life in a more gentle way and bonding with all his classmates.
If anyone has deferred the start year of their child (who has therefore entered school straight into year 1 from nursery), I'd really appreciate your experience.
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Re: Delaying starting school until year 1 - anyone done it?

Postby Sw11_123 » Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:31 am

Hi there, my son started school when he was just 4 and whilst he has some tired days he has got an immense amount from it.

Looking at it now, if he were to go into yr 1 without having had a year of the reception it would have been a massive shock. I think yr 1 is where the real work starts and reception, whilst obviously teaching the children, is more based around understanding what being at school means.. From playing with friends to acting responsibly and making good choices.

What may seem like the nicest thing for you and your son at the moment may give you and him more head & heart ache later.

Plus, if he really is struggling talk to the school and he could finish early one day (as you say he doesn't legally need to be at school yet)

But in short.. No I haven't delayed my child from starting school!
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Re: Delaying starting school until year 1 - anyone done it?

Postby lanmum » Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:21 pm

Hi, thanks for replying. I feel the same about reception (I have one child at school already) but to add to the mix, in a year or so we will be moving from London. So leaving him in nursery would mean that he wouldn't have to start big school and leave it for another school, which is another factor in my mind.

I have never heard of anyone postponing it, and worry about it being too big a jump from nursery to year 1 (although the nursery will get him up to speed as it's all early years curriculum), so really interested in hearing from anyone who has done it and their opinion of the pros and cons.
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Re: Delaying starting school until year 1 - anyone done it?

Postby kcai » Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:53 pm

I have an August-born boy and thought about doing something similar. In my case, he was fine with starting Reception (and is currently doing very well in Y1).

What you could also consider is having him do half-days in Reception until he's ready for a full day. Look into flexi-schooling. Also, some schools are quite open to the idea of YR kids doing half-days, at least for the first half-term. Ours even let you collect them for lunch and bring them back for the afternoon session if you wanted.
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Re: Delaying starting school until year 1 - anyone done it?

Postby simplyme » Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:32 pm

I haven't heard of anyone doing it and after seeing many children entering school(I am a nanny) I wouldn't recommend deferring. Reception is when the basics are learnt and where friendships are formed. In my experience children are tired when they first start school-deferring it wont change that. August babies do catch up to their peers quite quickly, generally.

A lot of schools off flexible starts and gradually increase the time theyre in. This drives a lot of people crazy but it might work for you. With my last charges the school offered you to either send them fulltime from the off or part time for the first 6wks. They could do 9-12 for first 3wks and then 9-1:15(so included lunch) the second 3wks. Then it was half term and then they went full time. Or just send him fulltime and if you see him becoming tired and struggling allow him to stay home sometimes for the first couple of months
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Re: Delaying starting school until year 1 - anyone done it?

Postby Annabel (admin) » Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:20 pm

some posts deleted, lets keep it friendly everyone :-)
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Club Creche
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Re: Delaying starting school until year 1 - anyone done it?

Postby Club Creche » Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:15 pm

Interesting thread.... My youngest now six has only this term started in class one at our local primary school. Before that she was at St Michael Steiner School and enjoying kindergarten. Sadly we moved as our school expanded and took an old rectory near Hanworth ( just too far for my girls to travel at the moment). So, my daughter started late as you guys are talking about. We have had no problems at all she is doing super well and racing ahead. fresh excited and ready to learn. I do realize that we are very lucky that she had an amazing kindi teacher and now has a wonderful teacher at her primary school who she adores. I suppose to some extent it depends on what you plan to do before they join class one. Time spent well will never be wasted :) with love and good luck to all parents working their way through the schooling system. All children are different and one size does not fit all! Melx
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Re: Delaying starting school until year 1 - anyone done it?

Postby joolia » Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:55 am

Hi my daughter is August born and started reception last September. She does get v tired but what she has learnt and gained in the last few months is unbelievable. Reception is a great start to the school environment and I think missing that year would not be in your sons best interests. I would recommend no after school clubs / activities initially and making sure you have quiet weekends to recover as everyone seems to be exhausted, not just the summer babies.
Good luck!
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Re: Delaying starting school until year 1 - anyone done it?

Postby MamanMummy » Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:01 pm

I would strongly advised against it. My daughter missed the reception intake, due to me being unaware of how key this year was, I simply did not register her in time. First, it was a nightmare to get her into the school we wanted in year 1, once the reception places are taken you are relying on a child moving away and being top of the waiting list - we were but she still only started end of October. Second, she was late both for reading and maths, it took her about 18 months to catch up, I am lucky teachers were super supportive and still it was a loy of work for me. Children do adapt much better than we adult do, out of four children I have two very big sleepers, end of March and end of May born, they started full days in their last year of nursery and coped fine - just absolutely no playdates or activities in the evening and big afternoon naps at the weekend. Good luck!
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Re: Delaying starting school until year 1 - anyone done it?

Postby Pud1 » Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:51 pm

I agree with MammanMummy. Missing reception will have a real impact both socially and academically. Also, your choice of schools for entry into Y1 will be significantly reduced and there's a good chance that you won't get into the school of your choice.
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Re: Delaying starting school until year 1 - anyone done it?

Postby ellesmum » Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:01 pm

I've got an end of July "baby" and had the same concerns. Still do, even though she's now in Year 1, if I'm honest! But, knowing what I know now, there is no way that I would turn back time and skip the Reception year. It really is a great bridge between nursery and the "proper" schooling that starts in Year 1. Due to not getting into the school we wanted initially, my daughter missed most of the first month of Reception as we waited for a place, which meant that she went straight into full days, 5 days a week. No settling in for her! And she coped much, much better than I thought she would. I struggled more than she did!
To be honest, all the younger children in the year seem to have taken to school with real enthusiasm. There is a massive difference both physically and developmentally between the oldest and the youngest at that age (which is to be expected because it's a 20% difference in age when you think about it!), but there is also a big difference between maturity levels of the July/August children who are now in Year 1, and the September/October borns in Reception.

Don't worry. I know it's easier said than done, but although it's terrifying sending your just-turned-4yo into a classroom, they love it! My only word of warning is that it is a big jump from Reception to Year 1, so be prepared to give lots of support during that transition. Again, the young ones seem to have taken it in their stride at our school, but some children do find the move to more formal learning a bit difficult.

Your little one will surprise you, I can virtually guarantee it :)
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Re: Delaying starting school until year 1 - anyone done it?

Postby DinosMom » Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:09 pm

IanMum - If you are moving from London in a year, where will you be moving to? That may help you decide what to do. Say, if you are moving to the States, then you could wait and your child could enter kindergarten and then grade one. So you could sort of homeschool preschool and keep your child at home with you another year.

Another poster (whom I know ;-) ) mentioned the transition from a Steiner School working out well for her daughter. Perhaps enrolling your child in a Steiner School is an option for your child. My son was born in July and he started Kindergarten at St Michael Steiner at age 4 and is still in Kindi at age 6 1/2. He is thriving now. He would have been struggling to keep up with the children in his class that moved onto Class One. (Not that your child would, each child is different.)

If you want to stay in the traditional system though, I would def. do reception. Missing out on that adjustment period, social skill building, play time etc. would not be beneficial, IMO. Someone mentioned how to handle their days as far as play dates, activities and naps. I think you've gotten some good advice here.
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