What to do if my ex employers do not give me a reference?

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What to do if my ex employers do not give me a reference?

Postby Sessa84 » Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:15 am

Hi All

I worked as a nanny in a nannyshare since September 2013. I got pregnant in December and I had to tell the parents after 8 weeks due to a scary bleeding and the Doctors at the hospital telling me to slow down and take it easy. I was looking after 3 kids from 2 different families.I had a great relationship with both sets of parents and the kids loved me.
I had to end my contract in April due to continuous tiredness and sickness and they did not have to pay my mat leave. They gave me an amazing leaving present with a lovely card that said how amazing I was etc
In the meantime I relocated due to my husband's new work assignment. They were taking a very long time to provide me with the documents I needed to apply for Maternity Allowance and I contacted the payroll company directly. They replied with a stink of an email saying that they did not know of my change of address etc
I then received an email from one of my employer asking me to.politely avoid contacting the company personally.
I finally received my papers with a nice little card but no reference.
I have sent probably 4/6 emails but I still do not have a reference. What can I do?
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