I'd love to give you a big hug and tell you not to worry, really what you are feeling it perfectly normal.
You have to understand that post birth your hormones are still doing all sorts of weird things for ages, and it is quite normal to feel down and find it all too much. It is normal, but it can also be quite dangerous. Post natal depression is very common, and moving to a new place without your normal support networks where you know few people is a very well know risk factor in developing. Its great that you have got lots of messages from people who want to meet up, but please please do also talk to your GP about it. If you don't feel comfortable talking to your husband with all he has got on that is fine for the moment, although I think it may be important to do that in time, as wouldn't you want him to share everything with you, and your relationship (hopefully!) is totally different to your parent's one.
But don't worry about that for now, first of all, it is important to start getting the help and support you need, GP and health visitor, they are professionals and should know what to do.
Well done for being brave and posting here, I hope it helps, you can get through this, keep being brave talk to people and they will help you beat this, it is a medical condition, its not your fault, with the right help it will be temporary and get back to being a wonderful mum to your little one, and a supportive wife to your partner.
Here are a couple of links that might help:
http://www.mind.org.uk/information-supp ... _JjI_ldUZM
I hope I've said the right things, I'm no expert...
Best of luck