I am considering buying a balance bike for my daughter's second birthday (I know she may be too small at first!)- and am a bit overwhelmed by the choice. Does anyone have any particular recommendations please? Thanks!
I had exact same question, this time last year for my then 2yr. old granddaughter. Balance bike for this age, the lighter the better.
( see conversation http://www.nappyvalleynet.com/mums/view ... 08#p105208 )
Isla are most popular weight 3.5Kgs : height to seat 30cm : http://www.islabikes.co.uk/products/bikes/item/rothan
Expensive but keep their value for re-sale. However I found there was a waiting time for delivery.
I choose First Bike/Street weight with brake 3.9Kgs : height to seat 30.5cm with lowering kit.
I was going to suggest getting one you can add pedals onto once she gets the hang of it, then saw the previous post and agree that taking the pedals off a normal bike would work just as well!
As light as possible is good as you do end up carrying it/balancing it on the buggy quite a lot!
we bought this one for our son for his 2nd birthday. He is now 2 1/2 and is VERY fast on this bike and absolutely LOVES it! I highly recommend it. I know a few other posters mentioned putting training wheels on a regular bike, which definitely works. Our only issue is we use his cycle a lot and through the park etc and just adding training wheels is not as stable and doesn't actually teach your child how to balance on a cycle...
just my 2 cents. Different options work for different people. Whatever you choose will work well
I got this one from decathlon for my son when he was 2 and it was nice and low and light and and taught him to brake which we thought was important. He learnt to balance very well on it and was then riding an Isla bike without stabilisers immediately when we got it for his third birthday. It's only £35 so not bad really. Just an idea. http://www.decathlon.co.uk/run-ride-kid ... 37693.html