What's NEW at ‪Teddington‬ mum2mum market?

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m2mmarket Teddington
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What's NEW at ‪Teddington‬ mum2mum market?

Postby m2mmarket Teddington » Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:53 pm

Saturday 13th June, 2-4pm at the Teddington Baptist Church TW11 8PF

We are supported this month by Bright Beginnings who will be face painting and giving mum2mum shoppers discounts off the registration fee at their NEW day nursery in Twickenham

Plus we're joined by Gill Flett Photography who'll be giving advice on how to get great shots of your little ones as well as huge savings on packages booked at the market

In attempt to reduce the initial crush we're trialling NO BUGGIES DURING FIRST 30 MINUTES - there will be a secure buggy park and you might want to bring a sling

As usual, there'll be mountains of great quality preloved bargains, yummy refreshments thanks to local charity Baby Basics and goody bags for the first 100 shoppers

Entry is FREE after 3.30pm (my favourite time to shop the sale as there's loads left and it's all super cheap)

Please help spread the word by telling your friends so they don't miss out :-)

BOOK YOUR STALL TODAY http://www.mum2mummarket.co.uk/book-a-stall.html
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