The nursery has gone through a challenging period recently and we recognise that the standards were not as high as one would expect them to be. We appreciate the feedback given in forums such as this and hope that the improvements that we have made since these parents visited the nursery will demonstrate the importance we place on quality of care.
We have made significant changes recently including recruiting a new management team led by a Senior Manager wih considerable child care and training experience. We are also investing heavily in staff training and development and frequent support visits from our early years manager and Regional Director to ensure that the changes that we are making at the nursery are the right ones and we are continuing with the programme of improvements that we devised in the autumn 2010.
We would like to invite anyone who is interested to visit the nursery, meet the management team and see the improvements.
Please feel free to call 0845 365 2964 or email the nursery on alternatively you can contact me personally on