Hi Ppasha27, sorry only just spotted your question. I have fortunately never had a problem with any doctor at Battersea Rise with my children, but I do think Dr Williams is particularly brilliant. She takes everything very seriously and truly understands why we worry about our little, and not so little, ones. She's very very busy as she's the senior partner but if you are prepared to wait to see her, just ring and ask for the next available appointment she has, and save up your worries to run by her. She takes everything very seriously. Also don't be afraid to chase things up. They're busy people and no one is perfect, and I think they do appreciate being reminded about things.Ppasha27 wrote:I'm also at Battersea Rise and they have been very good for me, however, I haven't had the best luck for my son's care . I don't think there are any pediatricians on staff either. For those of you who posted here, which of the Clinic doctor's do you see for your children's care? Thanks.