8 Weeks Pregnant - Help! Scan, Hospitals, Advice needed :)

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8 Weeks Pregnant - Help! Scan, Hospitals, Advice needed :)

Postby ClaphamSouther » Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:54 am

Hi All,
I'm exactly 8 weeks today :)

Rang up my local GP in Clapham on Battersea Rise and the receptionist said there was no point going into until I'm 12 weeks as home pregnancy tests are so good and I should just refer myself to a hospital. Feel really confused about what to do now and also know there options of maternity groups etc.

I'm pretty terrified of hospitals so was thinking maybe a water birth in a ward or a home birth but literally have no idea where to start or who to ring. I self referred to the kensington and chelsea hospital but they haven't come back to be or sent a letter!

Know its still early but don't really know what to do or where to start! Any advice would be wonderful :)
L xx
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katie evans
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Re: 8 Weeks Pregnant - Help! Scan, Hospitals, Advice needed

Postby katie evans » Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:54 pm


Don't panic, enjoy and take time with yourself. There is no rush for all of these things. You will soon have a scan at 12 weeks. I also self referred to Kensington and Chelsea hospital and had a good experience there with both my children. The midwives are great but I think Thomas' is also very good and everyone I know who had there babies there were happy.
It can be daunting, so much information, options and opinions but really you have 9 months to decide these things.
I suggest doing a pregnancy yoga class to start. Really good way to meet other pregnant mum's - to - be. Don't worry to much about all the medical stuff for now, it will all be taken care of.

Good luck!!
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Re: 8 Weeks Pregnant - Help! Scan, Hospitals, Advice needed

Postby evainlondon » Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:05 pm

Hi there, congratulations!
Have a chat to Neighbourhood Midwives http://www.neighbourhoodmidwives.org.uk/, lovely lovely and they will be able to advise you. No commitment, just an opportunity for a good useful chat.
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Re: 8 Weeks Pregnant - Help! Scan, Hospitals, Advice needed

Postby pepper » Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:33 pm

I think you should go to the gp. You should know what to don't eat, which medicine take etc. The gp should refer you to the hospital which one you want. The midwife app should be done through your gp. As a first time mother they should do it. I know the battersea rise gp is a crap practice. The reception are rude and lazy. So I will suggest to go and see the gp doctor and have a chat, and after just wait for your scan app, blood test, etc. Good luck and make sure the NHS is looking after you
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Re: 8 Weeks Pregnant - Help! Scan, Hospitals, Advice needed

Postby ClaphamSouther » Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:43 pm

Thanks everyone, really appreciate all your advice.

I will get an appointment and try again, I've done loads of research online about foods etc so not too worried about that. But will try gp, Kensington and Chelsea and midwives.

Thanks so much all xx
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Re: 8 Weeks Pregnant - Help! Scan, Hospitals, Advice needed

Postby firsttimerSW11 » Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:04 pm

Congratulations, very exciting times ahead. I also found it all a bit daunting at first with my first. You do the pregnancy test, it comes back positive and you think "Now what?" Shame your GP isn't being more helpful but they're right you can self refer. I see you've done that at Chelsea and Westminster (great hospital choice by the way, but I'm biased!) but they haven't come back to you. If I were you, I'd just give them a call tomorrow and follow up and ask them to give you a booking in date and persevere until you get one. All of the London are overstretched but once you get booked in with them and are "in the system", it's all a lot easier and you get told what you need to do, where you need to go and when etc. It's getting into the system that seems to be the hard part (from my experience; I also had to follow up a few times with the hospital), once you're in, it's plain sailing from a logistical point of view.
Incidentally, C&W have lovely options for water births etc, ask for a tour of their ante natal facilities, they are fabulous imo.
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Re: 8 Weeks Pregnant - Help! Scan, Hospitals, Advice needed

Postby Sunnyside » Mon Feb 08, 2016 7:00 am

Congratulations. I can remember all those feelings of fear, excitement, confusion of having your first. It will be fine. I ended up with a private midwife and home birth with both of mine. I loved both births and having all my antenatal appointments at home. I highly recommend Melody Weig at http://www.birthrites.uk.com. She's been an independent midwife doing home births since 1981. Even if you opt for a hospital birth, I'd still give her a call for advice and post natal support. Breastfeeding isn't the easiest. She was a great help and comes to you. Best of luck and hope the morning sickness isn't too bad.
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Re: 8 Weeks Pregnant - Help! Scan, Hospitals, Advice needed

Postby gemmamorriss » Mon Feb 08, 2016 7:55 am

I'll be happy to talk to you at any stage of your pregnancy as I have 5 of my own and am a qualified Hypnobirthing practitioner!
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Re: 8 Weeks Pregnant - Help! Scan, Hospitals, Advice needed

Postby Local_lass » Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:45 pm

I had a home birth for my second with the Valley team of midwives who are associated with St Thomas's but are based in streatham. I live in Clapham South and they were so lovely and happy to take me when I'm said I was considering a home birth (but you don't have to have one to be on their team). I imagine you can contact them directly, they are a team of 6 midwives who are all amazing. Appointments at home, so relaxed and un-clinical, the way I think births should be. My home water birth was the most positive experience, id strongly recommend it. Happy to talk if you have any questions. Good luck!
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Re: 8 Weeks Pregnant - Help! Scan, Hospitals, Advice needed

Postby KatherineHepburn » Wed Feb 10, 2016 1:17 pm

Hi Claphamsouther,

I hope that you had better luck with the GP this time around. It's frustrating as Battersea Rise Surgery is absolutely lovely and have been fantastic during my pregnancies and with my children.....However, there are a couple of receptionists who really do NOT do it proud.

So, get that appointment, it is absolutely none of the receptionist's business as to why you'd like to see your doctor.

If you have any worries or bleeds before week 12 then remember that you can always pop into the early pregnancy unit in St.George's for an early days scan. They can really put your mind at rest and are a lovely team.

In terms of grand advice I would definitely recommend The Rough Guide to pregnancy by Kaz Cook as it is funny and informative.

Check out your local NCT classes and if you wish to do them book sooner rather than later as they do fill up fast.

Enjoy some pregnancy yoga classes - I believe Nadia is teaching one evening in the week at Chatham Hall and she is brilliant.

When you get a chance go and have a walk around your chosen hospital as they all do tours. That way you will get a better idea of whether you'd like a water birth, active birth or home birth.

And if you can stretch to it do take a hypnobirthing course as it is excellent preparation for however you decide to give birth. Gemma Morriss (above) is awesome and so am I (but of course I would say that!! :D ) http://www.betterbirthstories.com

Your first pregnancy can be life changing and wonderful. Enjoy.
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