The community was very generous in donating food and other items to the Wandsworth Foodbank in the run-up to Christmas, but the word is that stocks are running low now, whilst a high demand for emergency support continues. Please would you consider whether you could donate any of these most-needed items?
- Tinned Meat
- Tinned Vegetables (peas, carrots, sweetcorn)
- Noodles
- Jam
- Fruit Juice (long-life) or squash
- Sponge pudding (long-life)
- Rice Pudding
- Tinned Fruit
- Men's Shower Gel
- Men's deodorant
- Toilet Roll (2s and 4s if poss!)
- Washing up liquid
Their website states:
Please bring any food donations to our central store at St Mark's Church, Battersea Rise any time during office hours, Mon-Fri 9.30-5pm (Bouthflower Road Entrance). If you are bringing a larger donation (more than a couple of shopping bags), or if you need help unloading a donation, please call us on 0207 326 9428 so that we can ensure we have someone who can help you. Many thanks. Our favourite days to recieve food are Mondays and Tuesdays.
Donations can also be brought to any of our foodbank Centres during their specific opening times, which can be viewed here
There are also now permanent collection points at Waitrose stores in Clapham Junction, Southside and Putney Exchange, as well as the Co-op Battersea Bridge store. Donations can be left there during store opening times, and will all come to Wandsworth foodbank.
We can accept Online Supermarket deliveries at St Mark's Church on a Monday between 10am-5pm. Please add Wandsworth foodbank to the delivery note and let us know what time to expect it.
If you would prefer to donate money you can do that online here: ... iftDetails. We can claim GiftAid if you are UK taxpayer. This money can then be spent on food as and when most needed.