Is there a cheaper option than an Architect?

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Is there a cheaper option than an Architect?

Postby bamse » Wed May 18, 2016 2:03 pm

We're about to embark on a renovation and would like something a bit different from the norm. There's no way we could afford an architect at 10-15% of the building cost, and the builders' own architects are a bit "standard" for my liking.

Is there a half-way option available? Someone who can offer a bit of advise/ideas that we can then relay to the builders architects to draw up? From what I understand we would need a structural engineer to provide the structural drawings even if we did go down the architect route? It would also be great to find someone who can do a 3D model of the plan so we can properly see it before deciding on it (my husband really doesn't get floor plans!!)

Any advise/recommendations/suggestions appreciated.

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Re: Is there a cheaper option than an Architect?

Postby Hamptons_EandS » Wed May 25, 2016 10:55 am

Dear Bamse

I don't know if you have resolved this now or are still looking. My wife's Cousin is an architectural drawer (or something along those lines) he can draw up plans, submit planning applications etc. and I am sure he is cheaper than an architect. Let me know if you would like his details and I will send you his number.
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