Group for females on the Autistic Spectrum ?

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Group for females on the Autistic Spectrum ?

Postby Minx-Maths-n-SEN » Tue May 24, 2016 2:17 pm

Hi all,

I'm quite new here, so apologies if this isn't how these things are generally done.

I'm forty-something and have been working in special needs for over eight years, my particular specialisms being ASD and dyscalculia. I worked at Blossom House SpLD school for four years, supported kids in mainstream for one and have been working as an holistic multi-sensory tutor in the Wimbledon area since 2014.

Imagine how silly I felt when, over Easter, I worked out I have Asperger's. Waiting for the formal diagnostic appointment but there's no doubt in my mind when I cast my professional eye back on my own childhood.

It seems there's something of a glut of 40-something women out there who've been struggling with life and not realising they're autistic. Uta Frith only translated Asperger's work into English in 1991. Researchers have only recently started to recognise how differently ASD presents in females to males. We didn't so much slip through the net as find there was no net at all.

Females with autism can be like chameleons: fitting in quite well most of the time through sheer force of effort, each faux pas providing another agonising new lesson in to how we "ought" to behave. It's exhausting and leaves one in a chronic state of anxiety about "getting things right". Mental health problems inevitably follow. Many of us have collected quite a bag of mental health labels before we finally find the truth. We're not defective, we're just different.

I feel very passionately that there are far too many women suffering in isolation when they don't need to. There is so much that can be done to help. The first step tends to be forgiving yourself and mourning the child that no one understood. Dialectical behaviour therapy is very effective at helping with our emotional regulation, behavioural issues and difficulties with interpersonal skills. Exercise can make sensory issues more manageable. Different teaching styles can help to convey information that normal methods don't seem to work with. Small changes can bring big benefits, and understanding can bring peace.

I'd like to form a local group, or possibly two, for women and girls who know or suspect they may be autistic. Might need two groups, one to support parents of autistic girls, one for older girls and women. Maybe throw everyone together, I'm not sure. We could meet for coffee and sort out a forum - maybe a subforum on here - and generally share the ideas and support that can make all our lives a little easier.

As an Aspie, my areas of obsession are people and thinking. I've spent ten years as a self-funded researcher into learning, memory, cognitive and metacognitive skills, essentially so I could "fix myself" following a brain injury ten years ago (was a research scientist at the time). I've pretty well succeeded which is nice but doesn't really matter. What matters is that I've learned strategies that work and I'll share them with anyone who cares to listen.

Let's brainstorm this, or you can use me as a Aspie agony aunt, I don't mind. I just think that a lot of great girls are suffering needlessly and I want it to stop.

If you're interested, please pm me with your email or respond on here.

T ... ors-merton
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Re: Group for females on the Autistic Spectrum ?

Postby Minx-Maths-n-SEN » Tue May 24, 2016 3:08 pm

That link doesn't seem to be working. If you want to find me, I'm on the Tutor Pages as Trish Almlof.
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Re: Group for females on the Autistic Spectrum ?

Postby anootka » Tue May 31, 2016 8:07 am

Thank you for sharing your story. I'm a parent of a 5 yr old asd boy who set up a FB page for local parents a few years back and it has helped me find my path along this journey. I can't imagine what you must be going through but having a child on the spectrum I often look at his sen traits and wonder, I have similar traits.
Please have a look at our group it's called
ASD Child in SW London - I am certain so many of us will find you an inspiration and I know there are a few teenage girls who could benefit from your experience.
Thank you
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Re: Group for females on the Autistic Spectrum ?

Postby Miss_Muppet » Tue May 31, 2016 10:39 am

Hallelujah !
Thank you so so so much!
I'm nearly going to be 40, well in about a year's time anyway and can relate with the saying 'life begins at 40' as I've recently embarked on a journey to find myself. It seems quite strange that after a turbulent life and fully knowing that my older brother and my daughter are both Aspergers, I now start realising how I am different from other people and have been struggling throughout life.

My daughter is almost a copy of me when I was her age. Not only that, I am having the same problems with her if not worse, that my mum had with me!
It was always the social aspect that was ONE of the main problems.
I also very strongly believe that I have ADD and as you so rightly have written, managed to hide it
Many a night I've cried and cried just cursing myself why I can't be 'like other girls, other women, other mum's'! Then finally gave up and thought it best to become a recluse!
I feared getting diagnosed may put a label on me but I guess it seems a lesser evil at the moment
But yes, if it may lead to any help with this condition, that would be very much appreciated.
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Re: Group for females on the Autistic Spectrum ?

Postby Minx-Maths-n-SEN » Tue May 31, 2016 10:43 am

Wow, I'm thrilled people are responding and interested. I've just joined the Facebook group so let's start talking !!

I'm off to cycle round leafy suburbs getting drenched. Seems a number of my parents have looked out the window and decided they want an extra session today !!

I'll be back online tonight and am soooooo looking forward to chatting with others in a similar boat.

Come on girls, there are a lot of us in this club and most of us have been in denial for years. Time to stand up and be counted, and look after each other. :-)
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Re: Group for females on the Autistic Spectrum ?

Postby ally30_1998 » Tue May 31, 2016 12:19 pm


You might be interested in this book: ... 1410734315

And this talk by Cos Michael:

There may be a great many undiagnosed
Women out there.
Good luck with your endeavour.
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Re: Group for females on the Autistic Spectrum ?

Postby Minx-Maths-n-SEN » Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:12 pm

Spitted this and thought others might find it useful. It's very American but packed with good info.
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cockney sparrow
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Re: Group for females on the Autistic Spectrum ?

Postby cockney sparrow » Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:04 am

I have an autistic daughter so was interested in your post. It is now getting easier to make contact with other autistic girls and women but I think the mainstream education experience is still rather a lonely one. Another reader has mentioned one of the talks that NAS Lambeth (this is the local National Autistic Society branch-currently run by an all female group of volunteers including me) is running through June for adults on Wednesday evenings at Clapham Library and you're welcome to come along. You can contact us at for details or look at the website mentioned. And you may be interested in the book club that an autistic woman friend runs, as a partnership between the branch and Clapham library,, called "the First Thursday Book Club". It's mixed but with a strong female membership. Again if that appeals (it's open to all Londoners) just drop us a line.
All the best
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