Fancy volunteering with Rainbows / Brownies or Guides?

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Fancy volunteering with Rainbows / Brownies or Guides?

Postby Rodent » Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:46 pm

Its National Volunteer Week 1-12th June so we at London South West Guiding are out to get some more volunteers to help with our units around London South West including Battersea, Clapham and Wandsworth.

Rainbows, aged 5-7, Brownies aged 7-10 and Guides aged 10-14.

Some of you may have signed your daughters up and might STILL be on a waiting list - we have so many girls waiting to join, but not enough units and helpers to make this happen.

Can you give a few hours a week, or some time to support a unit by doing some admin?

Or, to register yourself to help us out: ... erest.aspx
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