Chestnut Grove feedback

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Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby Sagittarius » Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:56 pm


Can anyone give me any feedback (positive and/or negative) on Chestnut Grove? We have qualified for a Language Specialist place and are keen to find out more about the school...

Thank you!

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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby Wheresmyschool? » Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:13 pm

It's good and getting better.

It was a pretty shabby place with poor discipline and low aspirations. Over the last five years it's really reinvented itself with much stronger discipline, ethos and leadership. Like any London state comp. it's going to have it's fair share of gum chewing scruff bags but I have lots of friends who would have once moved out of London if that was there only option but their now sending their kids there and very happy.

The only blot of the landscape is Bolingbroke, there was concern that it would "steal" the more aspirational middle class kids (that's what one head told me) but that doesn't appear to have happened.

I'd go for it.

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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby mrsbfrombalham » Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:56 am

Chestnut Grove had an open evening yesterday - which we went to. It's difficult to form an opinion on the environment because the whole school is moving into their brand new building next year and the current 70's building / monstrosity is going to be demolished (to be replaced by green space and other facilities). Some of the staff were also saying how a lot of the equipment will also be upgraded when they move with a state of the arts science floor. I was really impressed with the teachers - every single one of the ones I spoke to were very passionate about their subject and pupils and really engaged. The pupils who were there seemed happy and have an excellent rapport with their teachers. So from my perspective it's definitely a school on the up that deserves serious consideration.
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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby Sagittarius » Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:11 am

Thank you both. I went to one of their open mornings and it seemed like a good school. A few years ago I would not have put it on my list, but - building aside- I actually had a very good impression. Does anyone know how long the current headmaster has been there?
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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby Sagittarius » Fri Sep 30, 2016 3:08 pm

Thank you Mango, that's very helpful!
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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby Goldhawk » Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:50 pm

Behaviour outside school has definitely improved
The head seems young and dynamic

I preferred Ernest Bevin but I think CG is definitely on the up
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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby Jen66 » Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:28 am

Twice this week I've seen police stationed outside or by McDonalds when the school empties out.
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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby Localgirl79 » Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:04 pm

I have 2 very happy kids at Chestnut Grove (year 8 and 9) and they are thriving very well. I love the school for its diversity - it teaches what the real world is like. The teaching staff and the head teacher are amazing. Yes, there are a small group of unruly kids there but I believe every secondary has - it's just a bit of tom foolery and part of going through teenage hood. It's not the school's fault - more a reflection on society. If you look up the school's GCSE and A level results over the last couple of years, you will see that the students there do very well indeed. I would highly recommend the school. They move into the new school buildings Easter next year and the demolishing of the old building and the new landscaping should be completed by November 2017.
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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby Chucka » Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:57 am

Great to read these reviews. Thank you enquirer and respondees.
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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby headshrinker » Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:29 pm

Chestnut Grove has a really good "Value Added" score (one of the best in the area). This measures how much kids progress academically at the school so suggests that they do really well with a wide range of kids.
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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby dawn.thomas » Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:18 pm

Chestnut Grove Academy has gone from strength to strength in recent years. It has long been a school where children of all abilities have made excellent progress- which is something to celebrate rather than be cynical about - but is now matching this with impressive and consistent GCSE and A level results. Add a dynamic and committed teaching staff led by a young Headteacher, Mr Christian Kingsley, the prospect of a smart new building in the coming year and a high degree of motivation for future success and I'd say that you've got a school that is more than worthy for consideration by prospective parents.

It's fair to say that there are issues about behaviour in some parts of the Balham area as is the case with so many areas in south London. But there is no evidence that all or even most is caused by CGA children. Nor would I try to claim that no children from there are ever involved. But as a parent I can confirm that poor behaviour is not tolerated within or outside CGA and that when it does happen it is dealt with strictly and promptly by staff. OFSTED commented positively about behaviour at their last inspection and it has improved further since thanks to higher expectations, a renewed emphasis on appearance including uniform and excellent role models within the school.

Chestnut appears to continue to suffer from a poor reputation from many years ago. But it is now a great example of a school that has improved significantly and aims to improve further. I recommend it as a great option for children in Wandsworth.
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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby Mummykane » Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:30 pm

Chestnut grove certainly has changed for the better over the past few years. My only concern is snobby parents sending their children there & trying to turn it into a private feel of a school. The focg (pta) are just awful which is quite sad. For a school that blurts about inclusion for all I'd like to think this could certainly be reiterated to them as not any part of their pta offers inclusion just power hungry women. As a year 7 parent I'm just quite sad about that. But the teachers head & all staff are fab.
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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby dawn.thomas » Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:38 pm

It's disappointing that anyone has the wrong idea about the PTA at Chestnut. Our aim is trying to support the school in any way we can and particularly by helping with fund raising- the new building is going to need loads of new equipment that we want to help pay for. We hold fund raising events such as comedy nights, quizzes and just this week a social at Bodeans in Balham (a great big thank you again to them!) and also by running refreshment stalls at Parents evenings, school performances and other events. And all these are open to all parents and carers of children at the school.

There's no power-building or snobbery about any of this and we would love it if anyone interested would step forward to help. It's not very glamorous making cakes or serving drinks or running a raffle but it does help raise money and it's a great way to get to know other people at the school. Please do get in touch direct or come to one of our meetings if you would like to get involved, we'll be thrilled to meet you.

I can't explain how anyone has formed the idea that collectively the people involved in the PTA have any interest in private education or otherwise. I've never heard anyone mention it. And I don't really get the 'snobby' thing either. As far as I can tell, all the people currently helping with PTA work are pretty representative of the school community with all of us juggling work with family commitments. I am from a BAME background while others are Irish, English etc etc. Pretty diverse really!

But what we have on common is a desire to have the best school possible for our children and for the whole community. If we've given the impression that we're ambitious then please understand that all these ambitions are only about helping CGA to continue to improve for the good of all. So please come and join in if you want the same thing and can help achieve it.
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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby Mummykane » Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:45 am

Mungo muffin. I totally agree there is snobbery in most pta groups! The speech from the lady who I belive is the current chair of the pta at chestnut grove is worth a round of applause. Sorry but I'm a new parent to the school so I have seen for myself exactly how the members of the pta there are. I know your trying to impress the readers on here and good for you but I just thought the truth is more honest than fabricating it. Your Point about people's background was highly irelevant so not sure why you felt the need to mention that.
I'm not tying to put the work the pta do down just trying to add a real insight into how it really works.
Good day
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Re: Chestnut Grove feedback

Postby Mummykane » Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:46 am

Spursmummy wrote:Mungo muffin. I totally agree there is snobbery in most pta groups! The speech from the lady who I belive is the current chair of the pta at chestnut grove is worth a round of applause. Sorry but I'm a new parent to the school so I have seen for myself exactly how the members of the pta are. I know your trying to impress the readers on here and good for you but I just thought the truth is more honest than fabricating it. Your Point about people's background was highly irelevant so not sure why you felt the need to mention that.
I'm not tying to put the work the pta do down just trying to add a real insight into how it really works.
Good day
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