Has Thomas's Clapham changed?

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Has Thomas's Clapham changed?

Postby astro » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:40 pm

We have been looking at prep schools for our 2 children (one boy, one girl) and have gone on the usual open days and showarounds in the clapham common area. Without wanting to offend anyone, the impression I had before our visit to Thomas's (based on reading comments on here and talking to people) was that it was very academic, potentially 'pushy' and for confident children, the fact that someone compared it to the 'Apprentice' had registered with me! So I went along a little apprehensive...

At the showaround however we met the headmaster who has been in post for 5 years. He surprised me by presenting quite a different picture, and certainly suggested that he has tried to change the attitude of the school over the last 5 years in an effort to be more caring, more holistic, less solely focused on academic results (whilst still obviously aiming to achieve these results). An example of this was that they have removed 'setting' classes in years 3 and 4.

I'm interested to know whether this change has been felt by parents and children at the school? Is the 'mindfulness corner' a gimmick or does it get used? Has anyone noticed a difference?

Clearly it is always going to be a large school with a strong focus on academic achievement so I'm not expecting a total change but as someone completely outside the loop was just interested in whether there has been a slight change in focus.

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Re: Has Thomas's Clapham changed?

Postby Abbmun » Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:06 pm

Very interested in replies to this too. Results look to have shifted to the majority leaving at 13 to board vs the very academic london day schools, any thoughts on this shift also appreciated.
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Re: Has Thomas's Clapham changed?

Postby pie81 » Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:07 pm

Also very curious to see replies. At showrounds we got the impression that while the Head and some staff are making changes to "soften" the school, such as reducing streaming and prep levels, there are still some staff and a lot of parents who like the old ethos and prefer the school to push children hard. And of course they need to keep results up. So the Head has to tread a fine line to satisfy both sides.
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Re: Has Thomas's Clapham changed?

Postby nrm » Mon Oct 24, 2016 8:23 am

It's a great school and always has been. It's moving with the times and anyone that compares it to The Apprentice' probably doesn't go to the school. It just goes to show Astro that when looking for schools it's better to form your own opinion rather than getting caught up in the online chat and gossip. Good luck!
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Re: Has Thomas's Clapham changed?

Postby Gullsands » Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:14 am

My children are now at senior school and did not go to Thomas's, so I can't comment from personal experience of that school. However, what I do know from all the many, many open days and show-rounds we experienced when looking at senior schools for our two very different children (who've ended up at very different schools), is that the best way to get a feel for the school and how it works with its pupils is to have a show-round by one or more pupils, rather than just the school head, let alone the registrar or some other adult whose work is not directly involved in educating children. It is obviously really important to meet those adults and hear what they have to say, but the best way to get the 'worm's eye view' is to talk to the pupils themselves and get their perspective on what the school really feels like, particularly if you can think of some relevant questions to ask them - if you get a pupil who has been there for five years or more, you may get some impression of how the school has, or has not, changed during the head's tenure. I know my children's prep school certainly organised this, with senior pupils who volunteered to do show-rounds, and I would be surprised if Thomas's did not. Bear in mind, though, that the individual personality and interests of the child will inevitably have an influence on your impressions of the school, too!
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Re: Has Thomas's Clapham changed?

Postby dudette » Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:51 am

I have to disagree with the previous poster - the problem with being shown round by a pupil is that the particular pupil you get has way too big an influence on how you view the school. I've looked round so many schools and I find that the schools I like best are the ones where the child that has shown me round has been outgoing and confident - but it's really just the luck of the draw which child is assigned to you. I went to a school recently where we were given a map and went round in our own but meeting staff and pupils in each classroom - so you got to meet a variety of kids.
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Re: Has Thomas's Clapham changed?

Postby walesdavies » Mon Oct 24, 2016 11:26 am

I think so.
I initially didn't apply as put off by previous head & as you say the pushiness & if I'm being honest the local gossip too! However after a discussion with our nursery head went to have another look & was so impressed with the new head & the changes that were being implemented. Overall, the one overriding feeling I came away with was how much more emphasis is placed on creative areas and sport along with developing children to be the best learners they can be.
My children are now in Year 2 and absolutely love it. As a former (state) primary school teacher with 11 years experience I was very reticent about private schools, I also 'know my stuff' & I can see through the 'cr*p' too. However I have never felt more confident that we made the right decision for our children. But therein lies the key - it is about YOUR children & what is right for you and your family.
Happy to chat more if you want to PM / DM me.
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Re: Has Thomas's Clapham changed?

Postby papinian » Mon Oct 24, 2016 11:46 am

A bit off topic, but an article in this week's Spectator contains the following anecdote about Thomas's (Battersea rather than Clapham):
My cousin’s three-year-old daughter memorably exclaimed ‘That’s a Giacometti sculpture!’ on the staircase of Thomas’s Battersea, and still didn’t get in.
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Re: Has Thomas's Clapham changed?

Postby MGMidget » Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:05 pm

I have a child in year 4 who has been there since reception. I haven"t found the school to be unduly pushy up to this stage. I believe things get a bit more 'serious' by year 5 but this is as much (if not more) about the parents starting to think about the next schools. I have found the school to be caring, and the lower school, in particular, is a lovely environment. The children have had a programme on 'mindfulness' and they have also invited parents to introductory sessions on this so they understand what its about. I do think it gets implemented and my son repeats comments about 'mindfulness sometimes. He brought home a workbook that the children had completed on Mindfulness over a period of weeks when it was first introduced and they clearly talk about it in lessons sometimes.

My child started at the same time as the new headmaster so I don't have a perspective on what the school was like before then. From what I have seen so far it is not overly pushy and the school caters for a wide range of abilities. Children are grouped from early on (reception) where important (so English/phonics for example and Maths) but the groupings are subtle, not obvious although the children do eventually work out where they in any ability group as they go up the school. The groups are fluid - children move up and down when they are seen to be better suited to a different group. Once streaming kicks in my understanding is this becomes less fluid, hence the benefit in delaying this so that children have more time to develop.

I think the school tries hard not to overpressurise the children but there is also a balance to be struck in satisfying parent expectations/hopes for their children. The balance seems about right to me at the moment.
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Re: Has Thomas's Clapham changed?

Postby MGMidget » Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:23 pm

Papinian, that anecdote might be true (who knows) but I doubt it was meant to indicate that the child in question's knowledge of sculpture at age 3 wasn't good enough to deserve a place! I doubt my child's knowledge of scupture is that good now in year 4 (I haven't tested them).
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Re: Has Thomas's Clapham changed?

Postby astro » Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:38 pm

Thanks MGMidget and walesdavies, really useful and just what I was looking for. We are looking to form our own view and make our own decisions but it is really hard to get a comprehensive view of a school on a 1-2 hour showaround when the staff are obviously trying to present a very positive picture :)

In response to another comment, I don't think Thomas's do showarounds with pupils but on the plus side we did see the school during school hours which was more informative I believe than an open day.
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