Postby Gullsands » Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:14 am
My children are now at senior school and did not go to Thomas's, so I can't comment from personal experience of that school. However, what I do know from all the many, many open days and show-rounds we experienced when looking at senior schools for our two very different children (who've ended up at very different schools), is that the best way to get a feel for the school and how it works with its pupils is to have a show-round by one or more pupils, rather than just the school head, let alone the registrar or some other adult whose work is not directly involved in educating children. It is obviously really important to meet those adults and hear what they have to say, but the best way to get the 'worm's eye view' is to talk to the pupils themselves and get their perspective on what the school really feels like, particularly if you can think of some relevant questions to ask them - if you get a pupil who has been there for five years or more, you may get some impression of how the school has, or has not, changed during the head's tenure. I know my children's prep school certainly organised this, with senior pupils who volunteered to do show-rounds, and I would be surprised if Thomas's did not. Bear in mind, though, that the individual personality and interests of the child will inevitably have an influence on your impressions of the school, too!