Hi again
What kind of therapist are you looking for? If marriage therapist then Geoff Warburton is amazing! He's well known in the field & I'd see him if I could afford him (I am training to become a psychotherapist). There is also the awareness centre on Aberville rd. I recall finding heaps of therapists in clapham. And a lovely lady called Steph (she's based in dulwhich -
stephwilshaw@hotmail.com) and she's very reasonable price wise.
But to be completely honest you need to find someone that suits you (as annoying as it sounds). Part of our training is to have min 40 h of therapy / year and they require that you go on "the journey of finding your therapist". I saw about 8 therapist and Sarah was the right one for me. A year later I still feel that way. Hope that helps.
Best of luck!