kids playing football in the next garden late at night

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kids playing football in the next garden late at night

Postby shaneleone » Sat Mar 11, 2017 10:18 pm

So I have a question I would genuinely appreciate outside opinions on. My next-door neighbours in Tooting Bec recently remodeled their back garden to turn it into a mini-football field, complete with artificial grass, flood lights and a full-size goal (though still in a tiny garden, so the fences play a large part of this football field). This was after their sons had already broken through our fence twice kicking their balls against it (my ex mended the fence both times without a word from the neighbours), as well as a broken skylight window (which the neighbours did pay to have repaired as someone was home when it happened and caught them in the act).
When I saw their new garden, I was obviously not happy. My three children are all substantially younger with earlier bedtimes, and two bedrooms face out over the back garden. But it hadn't really been a problem until the weather started to warm. Now it's past 10 pm and the kids are yelling and screaming playing football in their garden (which it has been designed for) AGAIN.
My question - is this just something I have to put up with as we live in a terrace house in London and this kind of thing comes with the territory. Or, can I reasonably ask for a time of night when the next-door football pitch closes?
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Re: kids playing football in the next garden late at night

Postby Seb » Sun Mar 12, 2017 8:20 am

I think this could easily fester and become a big deal so I think there are a few things that you need to consider.

Firstly, does any of this need planning permission? Floodlights are serious so I'd have a look at what your rights might be.

Secondly, I'd have a polite word with them about bedtimes and see if you can reach a compromise. It may be that they're not minded to do this but if they're normal nice people they may be mortified that they're making so much noise.

Thirdly, if that doesn't work then start to look at enforcing any rights because of (1). The council are really helpful about this - I'd take photos and ring them up for a chat. Good luck!
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Re: kids playing football in the next garden late at night

Postby TFP » Sun Mar 12, 2017 3:51 pm

it really depends, there's a lot of context needed, e.g. the size of the garden, the height and construction of fences, what type of ball, how many kids there how often, of what ages, how they behave (e.g. how much shouting) etc.

My sort of instinct is that the time when it gets dark at the height of summer, half nine or ten or something, is a traditional cut-off point for this sort of thing and that anything much beyond it starts to fall outside social norms. "Floodlights" sound a tad ridiculous but it depends I suppose on how late they're switched on until.

All the best.
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Re: kids playing football in the next garden late at night

Postby Wheresmyschool? » Sat Mar 18, 2017 4:36 pm

did you resolve this? sounds horrbily stressful
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Re: kids playing football in the next garden late at night

Postby MGMidget » Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:39 pm

It might count as a statutory nuisance (see link below) in which case you could have a chat with the council to see if they can intervene. Good luck! ... complaints

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Re: kids playing football in the next garden late at night

Postby shaneleone » Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:42 pm

Thanks everyone for the comments. I talked to the other neighbours, which was a great suggestion, and they were as annoyed (if not more), than I was. So we've banded together and are asking them to stop when it goes on too late, which seems to be working.
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Re: kids playing football in the next garden late at night

Postby shaneleone » Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:19 pm

Just an update - as I'd decided to keep it off this public forum, but now I'm annoyed enough to post. I talked to the other neighbour on the other side of their house, and she was as distressed as I was (her baby is even younger). Last Thursday, the kids were playing a football match and still going strong at 11 pm. So we texted and asked them to take it inside. I received a series of very rude texts from the husband, so the other neighbour and I went over together and were told the kids had only been out for only 10 minutes (it had been at least half an hour, and they were screaming and kicking the ball against all the fences) and that their kids were out of school (my kids are definitely not) and she closed the door in our faces. My other neighbour did get the mother to agree after that exchange that after 8 pm, the noise should be kept to a minimum - yet only three nights later, it's now 8:20 and the kids are screaming, yelling, and thudding against the fence. So I'm afraid we'll have to start complaining to the council. Unless anyone else has a better suggestion?
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Re: kids playing football in the next garden late at night

Postby MMmmm » Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:40 pm

What a frustrating situation. I feel for you.

Friends BTC were partying late into the night and their neighbours sprayed a hose on them..... Aggressive but effective.
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