CDSW12 wrote:we'd love to get our daughter to try to get into St Paul or London City School of Girls. Now on the leavers' list of Honeywell or Thomas's, none of the students seems to go there. So we wondered, were to their students usually come from?
I suggest that you educate yourself a bit more about independent day schools in London for girls, both secondary and prep.
You've mentioned two schools which are really quite different. First, very different geographic locations - St Paul's = Hammersmith; City of London = Barbican in the City. Secondly, very different demographics attending (partly because of the different locations), e.g. City of London has quite a lot of pupils coming from east London and Essex - that goes back years - and you won't find them at St Paul's.
Neither St Paul's nor City of London are significant choices for those living in this part of London. Here the most popular girls indies are James Allen's Girls' School (JAGS) in Dulwich, Wimbledon High, Putney High, Streatham & Clapham Girls' School, Alleyn's in Dulwich (mixed) and independent schools further out of London. St Paul's is a bit different with a more national reputation, but I don't think that anyone would consider City of London as being any better academically than JAGS or Wimbledon High, and the latter schools have much better sites/campuses than City of London which is in a rather grim and polluted location.