Get in touch and get involved
Volunteers, parents and expectant parents just like you, run our Branch. You don’t need to take on huge tasks, just commit whatever time you can or your previous experience and skills. It is a great way to learn new skills, make new friends, and represent the NCT.
Contact Emma if you are interested in finding out more about these roles and volunteering for the Branch:
We currently have vacancies for:
Clapham & District Coordinator/ Branch Chair:
If you love meeting new parents, raising money to support them, learning new skills and managing groups of volunteers then this is the role for you. So rewarding in so many ways-make it your own; inspire a large and active Branch to reach out to local parents in their first 1,000 days of parenting.
Hours per week-as many as you choose!
Branch Coordinator/Chair
After a very fulfilling and happy four years guiding this busy Branch, Emma will be stepping down with Baby no.2 on the way. Your tasks would include overseeing and recruiting the volunteering team, the finances alongside the Treasurer, overseeing future fundraising plans and events, generally steering the Branch in line with Head Office requirements, in a profitable and healthy direction in whichever way you felt fit.
Hours per week-as many as you choose!
Birth Groups Coordinator:
If you love admin, emails and spreadsheets, this role is the one for you which can be done remotely to fit around your schedule. Once a month, you download a new membership data lifted from NCT’s main database and send a welcome email to new members, attaching Branch information documents. You also need to answer any email requests that Head Office have forwarded on or any other membership enquiries. You would also provide email addresses to the Coordinator organizing The Antenatal Welcome Evening three times a year.
Nearly New Sale Coordinator/s:
We are looking for one or two people to run the Nearly New Sale three times a year. You would be dealing with inquiries from sellers, buyers and also setting up on the day. You would be fully supported by the Branch for Sale publicity, admin and a team of volunteers for the day. It is lots of fun and a great thing to do for the Branch fundraising efforts and local parenting community!
1hr/week and then six hours on the Sale weekend
Websites Coordinator
We are looking for someone to keep postings about us on other websites up to date, to let local parents know what's going on, where (****, NappyValley, Hoop). It is also a great role that can be done in your own time, fit around your baby and done remotely.
Graphic designer
Missing your job as a graphic designer now you are on maternity leave? We would love to have your help in designing our posters and flyers for Branch activities all year round. This role would be very fleible to fit around your parenting committments.
Time committment: 2hrs/week and can be done remotely
Delivery Helpers, SW11, SW12
We are looking for some lovely people who would be happy to deliver promotional material for us aound the Branch, for example flyers, posters, leaflets and our latest Postnatal Directories. This is a very flexible role as it can be done on any day, at any time with baby in tow!
Time committment: 2hrs/month
Breastfeeding Cafe Helpers, SW12
We are looking to add to our team of volunteers who help out at our breastfeeding drop-in. The role is essentially about meeting & greeting mums attending the drop-in, serving refreshments, taking bookings for breastfeeding counsellor consultations and venue set-up & tidy up. To apply, email your CV to Julie.
Time commitment: one session a month on a Monday between 10am & 12noon.
Dads & Babies Group Leader
We are looking for a dad to start up this much-needed group to support local dads who are responsible for the full/part time care of their children. We can help you with promotion and finding a venue for this new group.
Time commitment: one 2hr session a week or month.
Multiples Group Leader
Join our team of volunteers to host monthly meet-ups for new parents of multiples. The Coffee Mornings are informal get togethers which are invaluable in allowing new parents to meet others in their area.
Time commitment: 2-4hrs per month and meet-ups can be organised at your convenience in a local coffee shop.
Nearly New Sale Helpers
Enjoy shopping? Join our Nearly New Sales team and help with planning, promoting & running our ever popular sales.
Time commitment: up to 3 sales a year.
Open House Coffee Morning Hosts SW4, SW11, SW12
Become an Open House Morning host and hold monthly coffee mornings for new and second-time mums. The Coffee Mornings are informal get togethers which are invaluable in allowing new mums to meet other mums in their area.
Time commitment: 2-4hrs per month and meetups can be organised at your convenience in a local coffee shop.
Walks Coordinator
Like walking in the fresh air? We are looking for someone who can lead walks for parents and babies around the Commons with prams or slings in tow.
Time commitment: 2 hours per month, flexible.