Beautiful new range of Christmas cards to order

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Beautiful new range of Christmas cards to order

Postby CharlotteAshendenArt » Fri Nov 10, 2017 12:05 am

Hello there all!

As an artist I always feel at Christmas that there are (in my opinion!) lots of stunning Christmas cards that are not about the Christian faith - and lots of cards WITH a Christian theme that, if I'm honest, bore me to death! Pics of Three Wise Men for example....or C17th paintings of Madonna and Child, with baby Jesus often depicted as a very small grown man, pickled. ;-)

They're absolute masterpieces - I couldn't do it if I tried! But for some reason they also leave me cold, so I decided to paint what I'd want to buy myself - hopefully a combination of special, moving, colourful, fun and funky, whilst remaining properly Christian. Two are attached below but the range can be viewed and bought from my Etsy shop, here:

I hope you like them! Wishing you a happy and blessed run-up to Christmas,

Beautiful are the Feet of Those who Bring the Good News!.JPG
Gaze Drawing bright.JPG
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