Postby 40plus » Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:06 pm
Sorry to read you are having discomfort, I have suffered with facial skin problems myself. What i thought was urticaria (self diagnosis which one doctor agreed with) i was given flucloxocilin and steroid cream, it cleared it up but within a week it was back again. This went on for months. I was unable to get doctor appointments and had telephone consultations instead, i explained my face had flared up again, i was given a repeat prescription. After each prescription the flare ups were even worse.
My face looked as if it was burnt raw, swollen eyes, lips, unbearable hot burning, flaking skin, it was horrific. It spread down to my neck.
I was at my wits end and actually managed to see a different doctor who took one look at my skin and said its not urticaria, its a bacterial skin infection. I was given antibiotics and it hasnt returned since (this was 3.5 years ago) i had suffered months of discomfort.
My reason for telling you this is go back to your doctor, a different one if possible. Self diagnosis and a doctor agreeing with you can have damaging effects.
I wish you luck and a very speedy recovery.