Perioral Dermatitis... help!

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Perioral Dermatitis... help!

Postby becs.3 » Mon Dec 11, 2017 8:52 am

I have been suffering from Perioral Dermatitis now since September. I have been managing myself with some topical steroid cream which did the trick for short periods of time returning my skin to its usual complexion. It the. Reached a point the cream did not seem to be having the same effect, I admit I was a little slow (and foolish) not to have seen the GP sooner but eventually saw him three weeks ago and he treated me for Rosacea, needless to say the rash only got worse. After some googling and my own research I went back last Friday suggesting Perioral Dermatitis which he agreed with.

He gave me some hydrocortisone and flucloxicillin (as a precaution and advised not to take unless it became worse). I have read extensively on the internet and others’ have recommended NO steroid cream as will come back twice as bad and to go ‘cold turkey’ away from creams, ointments, makeup, serums etc.

I have had an awful time over the weekend with a prickly burning sensation and the formation of blisters, scaly red, almost scalded skin. I plan on returning to the gp today but wondered if anyone has any experience with or recommendations. I have also tried apple cider vinegar with no improvement. ANYTHING would be appreciated, thanks!
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Re: Perioral Dermatitis... help!

Postby twingirlsmama » Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:09 am

So sorry to hear about this - I’m sure it must be getting you down.
My daughter has eczema and one thing that, to people’s amazement, truly works - I recommend it over and over; is coconut oil. It is anti-bacterial, antimicrobial, anti-fungal and of course natural. As a family, we use it on hair, skin and nails; I’ve even gargled with it. We cook with it, spread it on toast, use it in smoothies - endless uses.
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Re: Perioral Dermatitis... help!

Postby becs.3 » Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:43 pm

Thanks!! Such a great suggestion, giving it a try.
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Re: Perioral Dermatitis... help!

Postby 40plus » Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:06 pm


Sorry to read you are having discomfort, I have suffered with facial skin problems myself. What i thought was urticaria (self diagnosis which one doctor agreed with) i was given flucloxocilin and steroid cream, it cleared it up but within a week it was back again. This went on for months. I was unable to get doctor appointments and had telephone consultations instead, i explained my face had flared up again, i was given a repeat prescription. After each prescription the flare ups were even worse.
My face looked as if it was burnt raw, swollen eyes, lips, unbearable hot burning, flaking skin, it was horrific. It spread down to my neck.
I was at my wits end and actually managed to see a different doctor who took one look at my skin and said its not urticaria, its a bacterial skin infection. I was given antibiotics and it hasnt returned since (this was 3.5 years ago) i had suffered months of discomfort.

My reason for telling you this is go back to your doctor, a different one if possible. Self diagnosis and a doctor agreeing with you can have damaging effects.

I wish you luck and a very speedy recovery.
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Re: Perioral Dermatitis... help!

Postby Battersea3 » Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:00 pm

I started suffering with something very similar sounding out of the blue about a year ago. I began using a steroid cream I had in the cupboard hoping it would nip it in the bud. It initially got rid of it but every time I stopped using it it came back. After several months I went to the doctor who advised me to use the cream more often for two weeks which didn't solve the problem.

I then saw a different doctor who told me to stop using the steroid cream immediately as that was making it much worse and prescribed me a month long course of antibiotics. So I had to go cold turkey (my skin didn't in fact flare up quite as badly as I worried it might and I did put make up on against the doctor's advice but I had to go to work!) and after a couple of weeks my skin had completely cleared up - 2 months later and no sign of a recurrence touch wood!
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Re: Perioral Dermatitis... help!

Postby SW18 Resident » Mon Dec 18, 2017 7:41 am

I had this in 2015. Like you I went to the GP and was prescribed the ubiquitous steroid cream which cleared it up initially and then makes it worse.
I then saw a dermatologist and did a lot of online research.
Both dermatologist and on line research told me that petro chemicals can be a main cause that triggers this.
I went cold turkey with make up and face cream. I eliminated everything on my face except for olive oil.
I changed my shower gel and shampoo for ones which were petrochemical free.
Some research also suggested that fluoride can be a trigger so I bought natural fluoride free toothpaste (Jason’s)
The dermatologist gave me a topical antibiotic to put on the rash - the other option was oral antibiotics but I didn’t want to go down that route until I’d tried everything else.
This all helped clear it up. The final push for me was removing all my jewellery. I think my system had become so sensitive that anything extraneous such as chemicals and metal were aggravating it.
The dermatologist was surprised about the metal but it worked for me.
From doing all this it took about 3 months to completely clear up. I had it for about 6 months in total and found it very uncomfortable and quite depressing when nothing seemed to help.
It will go - it’s just very irritating and persistent.
Now I am able to wear make up & products with petro chemicals and fluoride and jewellery but I try and keep it to a minimum.
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Re: Perioral Dermatitis... help!

Postby Sutherland1 » Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:57 pm

We went down the steroid route with my daughter but it was only when we changed to fluoride-free toothpaste that it completely cleared up. She used the Kingfisher one for years but is now ok with all toothpastes. Best of luck, it's a horrible thing to cope with.
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Re: Perioral Dermatitis... help!

Postby Coffeandcake » Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:48 pm

Acupuncture ! The only thing that has cleared up similar problems for me after years of trying all the alternatives. Perhaps worth a try.
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Re: Perioral Dermatitis... help!

Postby JKK » Tue Jun 11, 2019 3:13 pm

My mum has suffered from it. She had the awful lot experiences that are decribed above.With stereoids and different creams, etc. She saw different GP in the end, who prescribed Zindaclin1% gel. It cleared within 1 1/2months. No make up in this period. Hope this helps!
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