Wanted: Someone built like a tank who loves gardening

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Wanted: Someone built like a tank who loves gardening

Postby CDSW11 » Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:22 pm

Yes, no joke. I need help with my garden spring cleaning and my husband has given up helping me, apparently, he hates gardening. This is a weekend job nevertheless as we are not here during the week.

What I need help with is the following: moving stones around, throwing away all sort of rubbish and disposing of it (Wandsworth tip is close by and free, but you'll need a car), spreading bags of soil and compost carefully, and finally planting around 50 new seedlings (ie preparing 50 holes large and deep enough, putting some compost and Rootgrow at the bottom of it, putting the plant back it, filling the gaps with a mix of compost and soil, and firming up). This is probably a full day task.

Lunch provided and I will help. I have some tools but you'll need to bring some too, including a spade, an axe to remove an old dead root, and good gloves.

Potentially too if we have time, or another day: spreading new gravels received. Note that the gravel is delivered at the front of the house and will need to be carried at the back through the house using buckets.

Now, if someone is bulky enough and keen to get earn a few extra pounds working on a weekend please reach out to me. Not urgent but within the next month would be great.

Hope that person exists! :)
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